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NH Independence Referendum: Hearing set for Jan. 20
A controversial and almost unprecedented piece of New Hampshire legislation faces its first hearing on January 20. Lawmakers are considering CACR 32, a constitutional amendment which – if passed – would result in a Brexit-style referendum on independence. It would let voters decide whether we should continue to be ruled by the U.S.
We’re not sure, but we think this may be the first time independence legislation has made it to a committee hearing in any U.S. state since at least the 19th century. Demonstrations for and against are likely outside the state house…during the 90 minutes preceding this meeting of the State and Federal Relations Committee.
Dave Ridley
[email protected]
“Independence without enmity”
(603) 213-8248
Was that worth reading?
Then why not:
The Biden Presidency: A Horrible Accident of History, by Larry O’Connor
You feel sorry for him? Ask the family of Robert Bork, who he slimed, slandered and destroyed during his confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court, if they feel sorry for him.
Ask Clarence Thomas and his family if he feels sorry for him over the attempted character assassination Biden engineered during his hearings.
Ask Sarah Palin over the way he demeaned and degraded her in 2008. Or Paul Ryan in 2012. Or Mitt Romney when Biden declared to a black audience that the GOP nominee wanted to “put them all back in chains.”
[Read More]
The Demented Tyrant
He may be loosing his mind but that’s the kind of man he’s always been as a politician and most of it is still there. He channels the fascist spirit of Woodrow Wilson on a regular basis to this day and according to this article he’s been doing it long before he was Obama’s Vice President and most of us who paid little attention to politics in our younger days missed it.
Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]
Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat.
RCMP member sent on unpaid leave writes this powerful letter you must read: – Easton Spectator
No, There is No New Virus. The Flu was Renamed ’Covid-19.’, by Andrew Anglin
Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada
[email protected]
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