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The Crusades: (Video Lectures)
The Crusades are the defining event of the Middle Ages. They brought the very different civilisations of Western Europe, Byzantium and Islam into an extended period of both conflict and peaceful co-existence. Between January and March 2021, Sean Gabb explored this long encounter with his students. Here are two of his lectures. All student contributions have been removed.
Sean Gabb
[email protected]
Was that worth reading?
Then why not:
Nietzsche‘s Cat
Dennis Wilson
[email protected]
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Quotables from my essays:
“Freedom is an Attitude! Slaves don‘t have it.” ~Dennis Wilson
“If you want to BE free, you must do things that MAKE you free.” ~Dennis Wilson
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The “vaccinated” think they got Golden Passports to Freedom and Heaven, but they really bought a one-way ticket to Hell.
CRT – Communism Repurposed for Today – CRT, Critical Race Theory: What could be so problematic?
Really stands for Communist Race Theory. Brought to you by the likes of the bomb throwing Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground and the Symbionese Liberation Army who were mostly lily white Marxists who took it upon themselves to cultivate the seeds of revolution among people of color. Who ever imagined what was a fringe radical movement in the 1970s would grow into actual policies being pushed by a mainstream political party.
Given time and lack of attention on our part; the Marxist professors and pop culture ideologues have proven anything is possible.
Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]
75 NH Independence activists pack House hearing on leaving the Union
State Rep Seeks to make NH an Independent Nation
NH Independence demonstration scheduled Jan 20 Concord. Precedes House hearing on “Exit Referendum”
This is unusual turnout for tiny New Hampshire; nearly all attending were in favor of ending Federal rule over the state. If passed as originally written, CACR 32 would let all NH citizens vote on whether to remain in the Union and is thought to be the first time a state government has gone this far in that direction since the 19th century.
Feds run torture chambers. NH doesn‘t.
Dave Ridley
[email protected]
Human emissions just cancelled the next ice age. Here‘s why we should care. by Ilissa Ocko
But not fast enough.
We’re still going to freeze to death or be bankrupted by fuel poverty under the Green New Deal before winter becomes a thing of the past and Pennsylvania’s climate becomes like Honduras.
As I write this it’s 8 degrees outside and my furnace can’t keep up!
Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]
Everything Old is New Again
Earlier I wrote that Springfield Armory has released a version of the Browning Hi-Power/GP-35 pistol. The original was ubiquitous in military and police service and popular among civilians for years. FN took it out of production about 2018. clones began to appear so Springfield decided to release their version called the SA-35. It is early days but it deserves success.
FN America has also observed this success and is bringing the Browning High Power back. at least for the American market. Like the SA-35 it gets rid of the magazine safety. Unlike the SA-35, the “new” High Power has ambidextrous safety and magazine release and uses a 17-round magazine instead of a fifteen-round mag.
The FN version comes in either black or flat dark earth (FDE) for $1269.00 or stainless steel for $1369.00. The Springfield SA-35 comes in black with wood grips for $ 699.00. I have not had a chance to shoot either, so I guess it gets down to whether two extra rounds, ambidextrous controls, and the prestige of the Fabrique National/Browning High Power name is worth $570.00. If you need stainless steel FN is your default choice. We will see if good old market competition will bring down FN‘s price or increase the choices from Springfield Armory.
A.X. Perez
[email protected]
Gloria Alvarez: The Power of Freedom for Latin America – YouTube
This girl is amazing!
Discovered her via John Stossel’s channel.
Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]
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