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I’ve been sending the following to people to counter the outright lies being told, as usual, by the outright liars of the MSM:
Truckers for Freedom – LewRockwell
VSRF call today: DC March update, what’s next, Canadian truckers live
Trudeau Slams Anti-Vaccine Mandate Truckers For Holding “Unacceptable Views”
Canadian ‘freedom’ truckers massive vaccine mandate protest convoy may smash world record
Convoy against trucker vaccine mandate draws hundreds of supporters in London
Doug Ford’s daughter is out protesting with the trucker convoy in Toronto
Newfoundland even sent a contingent! It’s growing so fast that even the organisers are overwhelmed by it. Nobody expected such a response, but it seems this trucker action has been the catalyst for a nation that is sick and tired of being told that it’s sick by a lot of sickos in government [sic].
Manuel Miles aka Kaptain Kanada
[email protected]
“To learn who rules over you, learn whom you cannot criticize.” — Voltaire
Was that worth reading?
Then why not:
The Crusades: (Video Lectures)
The Crusades are the defining event of the Middle Ages. They brought the very different civilisations of Western Europe, Byzantium and Islam into an extended period of both conflict and peaceful co-existence. Between January and March 2021, Sean Gabb explored this long encounter with his students. Here are two of his lectures. All student contributions have been removed.
Sean Gabb
[email protected]
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