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New books now up at
For anyone interested, the first of the two new books is available [Here]
Harding McFadden
Was that worth reading?
Then why not:
From my favorite talk show host: Jim Quinn
One of Quinn’s Laws I heard many years ago that turned out to be prophetic. Especially the more recent update as we are now living in really insane times!
** 6. The environmental movement uses the environment and animal species as an excuse for putting the means of production (the land) off limits to the American citizen. Putting the means of production off limits to the citizen is the definition of communism.
***Update: Putting gas and oil off limits to the citizen is the definition of insanity.
Jeff Fullerton
The Summary
T.J. Mason
There are two ways to fundamentally change the way a nation, or at least a nation like the United States is run. The first is Constitutional Amendment, either by vote or how the Constitution is interpreted. An example of the latter, while unpopular with many readers of TLE, is the 14th Amendment. Among other things, It formally bound the states to respect rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. In 2010 this was interpreted to mean, hell yes, the right to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment binds state and local governments as well as the Federal government. The Miranda Rights are another example of this.
Another way to change how the Government operates is to stay in a state of emergency, real, fabricated. and /or exaggerated. So, trumping up charges against Trump while immigrants bum rush the border, Covid 19, the War in Ukraine, which is likely to explode into WWIV (I subscribe to the theory the Cold War was actually WWIII), and the impending stagflationary recession we are facing. All of these emergencies, ginned up, exaggerated, or real and deadly as a coral snake in your sleeping bag have and will be used to take emergency measures, whether or not appropriate, necessary, or within the limits of the Constitution, are taken.
This leads to people getting used to having their rights and other conditions of Constitutional government suspended on a regular basis. After a while there is no Constitution, just a bunch of worship words no one understands written on parchment.
The Constitution is not perfect, but it‘s a good place to start nowadays. As much as possible we have to fight to make sure the government stays within its limits, whether respecting the right of individuals to keep and bear arms or kids in school to have private conversations in languages other than English. Otherwise freedom, like the Constitution, will become a worship word that means nothing to thee and me.
A.X. Perez
Making a Case for the Greeks (The Greeks and the Others) (Video Lecture)
Sean Gabb Newsletter, 30th April 2022
(See Below for Republication Rights)
Here is a series of lectures given by Sean Gabb in 2022, in which he discusses the influence of the Greeks on the other peoples of the Ancient World. For reasons of politeness and data protection, all student contributions have been removed.
This first lecture in the course makes a case for the Greeks as the exceptional people of the Ancient World. They were not saints: they were at least as willing as anyone else to engage in aggressive wars, enslavement, and sometimes human sacrifice. At the same time, working without any strong outside inspiration, they provided at least the foundations for the science, mathematics, philosophy, art and secular literature of later peoples.
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To the Editor:
In your April 24, 2022 issue, one of your writers says,
“God is with us to save us…. They [bad guys] must be stopped. If you aren’t willing to stop them, God will stop them.”
No evidence is provided that there is a God, by which the writer presumably means an all-powerful supernatural entity of the type described in the Bible and similar venerated documents. Evidence cannot be provided because there is no such being. Only entities that exist can be directly or indirectly observed; for example, by looking at them. So that‘s the end of the theory that “God will stop them” or that the writer is getting regular communications from this nonexistent being.
David M. Brown