Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise
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Jeff Fullerton on Back Off, Oh Masters of the Universe – YouTube
Dennis Wilson on We Need a Che Guevara of Our Own | Mises Institute
Back Off, Oh Masters of the Universe – YouTube
Jordan Peterson has an excellent answer to the tyrannical “You will own nothing and be happy” parasites who are trying to run the planet and our lives : LEAVE US ALONE!
And while you’re at it : get a real job.
Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]
Excellent! Almost a Randian or Smithian delivery. — Editor
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We Need a Che Guevara of Our Own | Mises Institute
One does not Suffer & DIE for Freedom, Liberty Peace & Prosperity. Freedom, Liberty, Peace & Prosperity is a Cause to LIVE for and Enjoy!
There are many worthy of Hero status in our movement but a Che level equivalent would be in the political realm, similar to Thomas Jefferson and his contributions. I have such an individual in mind. He was an accomplished Science Fiction writer and was very active in early Libertarian Party activism. Furthermore, he pioneered in the still under-appreciated field of Unanimous Consentthat drives every uncoerced exchange in the Economic marketplace. His application of Unanimous Consent to the field of Politics is a fulfillment of the promise* in Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence!
I nominate L. Neil Smith, Creator of The Covenant of Unanimous Consent. (note also that, being a productive man, he is happier looking than Che).
Continued at the comments
Dennis Wilson
[email protected]
I agree with one of the comments: we don’t need a former chief of secret police, or an infamous homophobe. — Editor
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