Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise
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Albert Perez on Point of Interest: The War in Ukraine?
Jeff Fullerton on Thank You Party of Inflation, Energy Crises & War
Point of Interest: The War in Ukraine?
One of the ideals L. Neil Smith espoused was that it is wrong to initiate violence. I bring this up because I read many comments by people explaining how corrupt the Ukrainian government is, the evil of European Union/ NATO interference in Ukraine, Russia’s territorial interests in Ukraine, and the history of all of the above. All of these things are important. I have also seen comments on whether or not it is in the US’s interests or moral for the US to arm Ukraine to keep fighting Russia.
Two questions:
- Who initiated the use of force between Russia and the Ukraine? Regardless of all other considerations, whoever initiated the use of force is the “Bad Guy?” (Note, if it was a third party that person(s) should be the target of Russian violence, not Ukraine.
- Is America initiating force against Russia by arming Ukraine or are we being a “Good Samaritan” by doing so? Will Russian victory in Ukraine encourage adventurism leading to war under circumstances less in the US’s interests?
Perhaps answering these questions will help decide whether or not we should be involved in the War in Ukraine and to what degree.Albert Perez
Answering A may well require thoroughly studying Russo-Soviet-Ukrainian history going back at least to the founding of Moscow in the ninth or tenth century with a well honed bullshit filter. — Editor
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Thank You Party of Inflation, Energy Crises & War
Hail to the Jester in Chief!
As I wrangle the decision whether or not to buy a box of shrimp.
Jeff Fullerton
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