Letters to the Editor

Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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Letter from Albert Perez

The Hidden Persuaders

In your last issue TLE dealt with the use of media by the government and censorship of the same to essential mind fuck (MF) the people into going with the program. Please keep in mind that Vance Packard discussed how advertisers MF us in his book, The Hidden Persuaders. Books have also been written on the use of subliminal suggestion and sex for advertising. I can see media sell outs to the state using these methods and both major parties (and challengers to them) hiring the media to control our understanding of liberty and convince us to undervalue it.

Albert Perez
[email protected]

Also see Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited (1958). — Editor

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Letter from Dennis Wilson

Dr. Ron Paul Details the Day the ‘Coup’ Against American Democracy Was Cemented

Dr. Ron Paul Details the Day the ‘Coup’ Against American Democracy Was Cemented: November 22, 1963: “That was the day Kennedy was murdered by our government. You know, by the CIA.”


Dennis Wilson
[email protected]

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