Letters to the Editor

Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

How They Will Get Your Guns And Everything Else They Want — The Libertarian Enterprise

In 2011 Neil predicted the world that is at hand.

“Take their natural rights away and dole them back out as special privileges for “good behavior”. Make independent economic life as hard as possible through inflation and the brutal suppression on private exchanges of monetary metals. Tighten controls on all unauthorized communication, then raise the price of electricity, heating oil and gas. Prosecute “hoarders” who have stocked up on food and medicine. Manufacture reasonable excuses to reduce and finally shut utilities off, gradually making freestanding houses and whole neighborhoods uninhabitable.

“The next step: take advantage of natural disasters or actually to create disasters in the form of false flag “terrorist attacks” as an excuse to evacuate residential areas by force. I believe the current regime greatly desires and is actively attempting to foment an armed uprising which they will then have as an excuse to suppress in any manner they like, not excluding the use of tactical-sized neutron bombs”.

Inflation, skyrocketing energy costs, even seeking to ban combustion engines and gas stoves. They definitely are looking to make free standing houses and independent living impossible. Take advantage of natural disasters- they did that with the pandemic and are looking to do the same with climate alarmism. Elected officials including the President threatened to nuke American citizens while some wretched tyrant from the World Economic Forum told us we’ll own nothing and be happy.

Not bad for a future prediction. Even if it makes me sick with the realization that it may already be too late to stop it. If that be the case they’ll just have to nuke me or come pry it from my cold dead hands!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Decentralization brings freedom and prosperity – GIS Reports

“An activist bathes in the problems while proposing no realistic solutions, often making them difficult”.

Prince Michael of Liechtenstein

This little gem of a meme highlights the root of all our problems. I’ve noticed for years that environmentalists are very good at identifying problems but have no solutions other than scaring and shaming people into turning their lives over to authoritarian governments and letting technocrats run everything.

And these technocrats won’t solve problems either. Just milk them forever for the power and job security they bring.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from David M. Brown

The Word According to Mencken

What makes Mencken are not only his thoughts and observations but his exact words, and the exact words of his famous definition of Puritanism (not of “Puritan”) is that it is “the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.” See “Arcana Celestia” in A Mencken Chrestomathy.

David M. Brown
[email protected]

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