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Advertise in L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Ads run in one issue of the Enterprise, and stay there forever unless I get tired of them or hear from your unhappy customers.

Ads will be added to the bottom of individual articles (our choice).

Ads may include a link and e-mail address.

All ads are subject to rejection for any reason whatsoever or no reason at all.

Classified Ad: 50 words, $20 (100 words, $40, etc.)

Multiple Classified Ad Placements:
up to 50-words: $30 for appearances in two issues, $40 for three, $50 for four, $60 for five. $70 for six.
each additional up to 50-words: $60 for appearances in two issues, $80 for three, $100 for four, $120 for five. $140 for six.

Display Ad: includes picture or graphic, $100 (you supply picture or graphic file … we will scan your pictures/graphics by arrangement). Picture or graphic subject to editing to reduce its size and download time. Size limit around 50k (51,200-bytes).

Multiple Display Ad Placements: $150 for appearances in two issues, $200 for three, $250 for four, $300 for five. $350 for six.

Very large display ads will be on their own page, but the link to the ad will appear on every page in the issue. Links to the ad will open a new browser window. (Very large display ads same price as standard display ads.)

See a sample large display ad.

“Table of Contents” page Display ads, $250.

“Table of Contents” multiple placements: $350 for appearances for two issues, $400 for three, $450 for four, $500 for five, $550 for six.

Banner on TLE Main Page $400 for one month. Banner will be the standard size for these things … up to 468-wide x 60-high. A click on the banner or its text-link will open up another window. Other sizes by arrangement.

Submission deadline: 5:00 PM Mountain Standard Time the Friday before the Sunday issue.

Payment for ads must be received via PayPal by 5:00 PM Mountain Standard Time the day following the ad submission and acceptance. (Payment by other means by arrangement.) PayPal payment address: mailto:[email protected]

You can also pay via these “Web Accept” buttons:

Classified Ad Payment

Pay for 1-appearance Classified Ad:

$20 per 50-words

Pay for 2-appearances Classified Ad:

$30 per 50-words

Pay for 3-appearances Classified Ad:

$40 per 50-words

Pay for 4-appearances Classified Ad:

$50 per 50-words

Pay for 5-appearances Classified Ad:

$60 per 50-words

Pay for 6-appearances Classified Ad:

$70 per 50-words

Display Ad Payment

Pay for 1-appearance Display Ad, $100

Pay for 2-appearances Display Ad, $150

Pay for 3-appearances Display Ad, $200

Pay for 4-appearances Display Ad, $250

Pay for 5-appearances Display Ad, $300

Pay for 6-appearances Display Ad, $350

Table of Contents Page Display Ad Payment

Pay for 1-appearance TOC Display Ad, $250

Pay for 2-appearances TOC Display Ad, $300

Pay for 3-appearances TOC Display Ad, $400

Pay for 4-appearances TOC Display Ad, $450

Pay for 5-appearances TOC Display Ad, $500

Pay for 6-appearances TOC Display Ad, $550

TLE Main Page Banner Ad Payment
Pay for 1-Month TLE Main Page Banner Ad, $400
468 x 60 banner

For payment for other/additional services, go to PayPal, sign-in, and click “Send Money”. PayPal payment address: [email protected]

Don’t have a PayPal account? Sign-up, it’s free:
I accept PayPal, the #1 payment service in online auctions!
This link will open a new browser window

Send ads or inquiries to [email protected]