Important Message
Special Thanks to the people who consider The Libertarian Enterprise valuable enough to pay for! Your donations will be used to pay the bills to keep this site going!
We tend to think everything on the web is free, but somebody has to pay for it. I've been paying out of my own pocket, and my pocket is starting to come up empty. So I'm asking for donations. Before reading the articles in this week's Enterprise, why not throw a few coins into the hat? It will help keep the weekly issues coming (you'd hate it if you came here one day and it was gone, wouldn't you?). Remember: "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free LunchTANSTAAFL!".
Automatic Monthly Payments via PayPal Subscription Service
To try and simplify supporting TLE, we now offer the possibility of monthly subscriptionsautomatic payments once a month.
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Or, you can use good old snail-mail (make checks or money orders payable to Ken Holder):
Ken L. Holder
PO Box 2465
Snowflake, AZ 85937-2465Thanks!Ken Holder, Editor, The Libertarian Enterprise