L. Neil Smith's

Number 2, November, 1995

Who's Trying to Stop the Publication of the AIDS Book?

By Vin Suprynowicz

Special to The Libertarian Enterprise

         In my last column I wrote about the Bryan Ellison-Peter Duesberg book Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS.
         But the authors' tale of the decade-long "AIDS" scam is only half of the story. Just as interesting is the tale of how the forces dubbed by the authors "the AIDS Establishment" seem to be attempting to keep this book from seeing the light of day.
         After being turned down by nearly all of the top 20 publishers in New York, the Ellison-Duesberg prospectus was first picked up by textbook publisher Addison-Wesley.
         The authors went full-speed for seven months to finish their manuscript. But, as they were nearing the end, "Addison-Wesley suddenly had a change of heart," Mr. Ellison relates.
         "Out of the blue, they suddenly wanted us to rewrite the entire book -- almost from scratch -- and take out anything that smacked of 'conspiracy' or 'cover-up,' ... plus the whole 'drug hypothesis' we were expounding," Ellison writes in a recent open letter to those who have managed to track down a copy of his work.
         When Ellison and Duesberg balked at the proposed changes, Addison-Wesley refused in turn to accept final delivery.
         Next taker was St. Martin's Press. "Bear in mind, this time they had a completed manuscript to review before they made their decision to publish," Ellison writes. "There was no question about what they were getting themselves into. They also knew what we had been through at Addison-Wesley, and they assured us that they would publish the book 'as is.' On that basis, we signed the contract with them."
         You guessed it. Ellison reports St. Martin's CEO Tom McCormack was the next party to step in, overruling his own senior editor and demanding certain deletions.
         "Wanna guess what they were?"
         Ellison decided to self-publish in California. But then came the real surprise -- a November, 1994 lawsuit from Washington-based Regnery Publishing.
         Ellison reports Al Regnery, a full-time attorney and five-year high-ranking official with the U.S. Justice Department who recently inherited Regnery publishing, contacted the author to contend he had bought out the defunct St. Martin's contract, insisting Ellison would have to stop publishing and destroy all copies of the book in his inventory. "He made a big deal out of destroying the books," Ellison says.
         Ellison offered to co-publish. "No dice," Ellison reports. "By the way, Regnery also wanted to take the 'damaging parts' out of the book. (Are you beginning to see a pattern here?)"
         Ellison argues the goal is to silence the book by breaking him financially with the suit. "My opponents know that I'm just a struggling former grad student, kicked out of the Ph.D. program at UC Berkeley for challenging the AIDS scam -- with no means of support other than the sale of this book."
         The companies that make AZT and other toxic "AIDS drugs" earn well over $500 million per year off them, Ellison points out. On the other hand, should the information contained in the book become common knowledge, "There are some very powerful people in the United States government (and elsewhere) whose fraud ... corruption, and deadly malpractice" would be laid bare, exposing them to the same kind of career-ending lawsuits that followed revelations in Japan about how many had suffered and died while the Japanese medical establishment ignored the evidence of the toxicity of clioquinol, instead hunting for a non-existent virus as the cause of the SMON epidemic from 1959 to 1970.
         Has the insistence on the HIV-causes-AIDS orthodoxy blocked other legitimate lines of research into behavioral or even iatrogenic (doctor-caused) theories of causation?
         Of course it has. The virtual blackballing of a noted scientist like Dr. Peter Duesberg is proof enough of that.
         Have predictions of a vast AIDS plague spreading through the heterosexual population prove to be groundless? Yep.
         The only place reported AIDS cases come anywhere near the projections is in Africa. But this may be explained by physician Felix Konotey-Ahulu of Ghanda, who after touring Africa in search of AIDS wrote a scathing editorial for the Lancet in 1987. African AIDS statistics are purposely inflated because "Where there was 'AIDS' there was money," Konotey-Ahulu reported, "a brand-new clinic, a new Mercedes parked outside, high-paying jobs. ... A leading African physician warned us 'You will never get these doctors to tell you the truth. When they get sent to these AIDS conferences around the world, the per diem they receive is equal to what they can earn in a whole year at home.' "
         As one nurse in Tanzania told a reporter for Spin magazine in March of 1993, "If people die of malaria, it is called AIDS. If they die of herpes, it is called AIDS. I've even seen people die in accidents and it's been attributed to AIDS."
         Maybe Bryan Ellison and Peter Duesberg are wrong; who knows? But the larger question is: Do we still have a free country, where they can publish their views and see them subjected to objective review? Or have we retreated into a new dark age, where heretics are quietly snuffed into silence?
         While it's still available, I suggest anyone who's interested order 10 to 30 copies of CITE>Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS at the wholesale rate of $11.97 per copy (postage paid) from: Inside Story Communications, 1040 S. Mt. Vernon Ave., #263, Colton, Calif. 92324.
         It might be the only chance you get.

Vin Suprynowicz is the assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Readers may reach him via e-mail at [email protected]. His column is syndicated in the United States and Canada via Mountain Media Syndications, P.O. Box 4422, Las Vegas Nev. 89127.

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