

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

Number 1, October 1995

Welcome to The Libertarian Enterprise

By L. Neil Smith, Publisher

What The Libertarian Enterprise Is and Isn't

         Welcome to the first free pilot edition of The Libertarian Enterprise, an online publication dedicated to spreading genuine and unabashed libertarian opinions on the internet and elsewhere.
         The Libertarian Enterprise is not a proselytic journal. Our one goal is to tell the world what libertarians think about things. Although most of us are politically active, as contributors to The Libertarian Enterprise, we have no interest in converting anyone to anything. Our experience is that few individuals are qualified to be libertarians, that it requires more patience and genius than today's products of public education are capable of, and that anyone who must be persuaded to be free probably doesn't deserve to be.
         The Libertarian Enterprise is not an organ of the Libertarian Party. Trust us to speak with our own voices, as we can hardly do anything else. Often the party's leaders -- especially those at the national level who are not the most libertarian of people -- will be unhappy about what we say of them. We're not trying to fool the public into electing anyone, so you can count on us to state what we really think about important principles and the issues of the day.
         Similarly, The Libertarian Enterprise is not about the insides of a subculture, which, like many another of history's intellectual movements, often resembles nothing so much as thousands of shrieking eunuchs frantically beating each other to death with shoelaces. If you truly want to read about that sort of thing, there are plenty of other periodicals out there that specialize in it.
         Columns in The Libertarian Enterprise are written by people with real lives outside party and movement. One is an assistant editorial page editor at a metropolitan daily. One is a novelist working on his 20th published book. Another is working on #60-something. One is an officer in an east coast think-tank. One is a systems analyst. Many are computer professionals. One is a Ph.D. in Physics. One is the only lawyer I've ever met who seems to be playing with a full deck. Most (and this is unique) are fully-fledged grownups, both mentally and socially, who have longtime spouses and even children.

How The Libertarian Enterprise Works

         For now, The Libertarian Enterprise will be sent free each month (as we work out the bugs) to those we think may be interested. They are free to pass on all or part of it to others, including newsgroups, lists, etc., as long as they refrain from changing what was written, and include the name of the author and the name and E-mail address of The Libertarian Enterprise. Initially, The Libertarian Enterprise will be sent in ASCII only, 70 columns wide.
         Later, maybe by January 1996, The Libertarian Enterprise will become a weekly publication for profit. First, we will act as a syndicate, offering material to every print publication in the world with an E-mail address, telling them they may publish any or all of it as long as they pay, but that five days later, it'll go to our subscribers, who'll want to know (because we'll encourage them to ask) why they didn't see it in their local newspaper or favorite newsmagazine first. We'll also carry advertising.
         A year's subscription to The Libertarian Enterprise will cost about the same as a year's subscription to Time or Newsweek, and what you find inside will please you a great deal more. For further details, please contact our Managing Editor.


L. Neil Smith, Publisher
The Libertarian Enterprise


1. Vin Suprynowicz... "Opportunist Pols Seek Yet Another Way To Prove Their 'Morality'"

2. John C. Taylor... "There, But For The Grace Of..."

3. L. Neil Smith... "NRA Treachery In Pennsylvania"

4. Robert B. Boardman... "Beyond Moving Beyond Devolution"

5. Vin Suprynowicz... "How Would The Free Market 'Set People To Work'?"

6. Louis James... "XXX, With Love & Passion" (book review)

7. L. Neil Smith... "A Pain In The Colin"

8. Victor Milan... "Giving Up The Gun"

9. J. Wm. Reichert, Esq.... "Who Shall Judge The Judges?"

10. John C. Taylor... "How Do We Reduce Gun Violence in Maryland?" (speech)

11. L. Neil Smith... "Feeding The Ducks"

Back to The Libertarian Enterprise 1995 Issues.