

L. Neil Smith's
Number 45, May 1, 1999

To the all knowing crew of the Enterprize:

After reading your latest issue I got off my lazy butt and sent out the following letter to the Denver Compost, the Rocky Mountain News, and the three local TV news stations. I am doubtful they will have the balls to use it, but one can hope. The text is as follows.

In the wake of the Columbine shooting, many questions are being asked, we look for someone or something to blame. In the following weeks and months, every politician with an agenda will try to hook their wagon to the hearse, but before you jump on that wagon, think about this. No new laws will protect us, the possession of a firearm on school grounds is already illegal, as is the murder of fellow students.

Already the school district has banned trench coats. I am certain this will solve the problem just as well as the ban on firearms at school kept the two murderers out. No amount of metal detectors, random locker searches or laws will prevent another assault of this nature. In fact, such things make the assaults more likely.

"What!", you will exclaim "How do those things make it worse?" Well, the only guns in that school, were in the hands of the two young murderers. Do you believe that for even one moment, as they plotted to cold blooded murder of their fellow students, they thought "My god, we can't take guns to school, that's illegal!" It is more likely they thought "This will be easy, no one will be shooting back at us, like bunnies in a barrel."

The young murderers had total control of that building for hours, they picked and chose their victims with impunity, no fear of retaliation. They wandered the rooms, gunning down unarmed people. It must have been hell to be there, wondering where the forces of law and order were, to defend them as they swore they would. Every time the gun grabbers pass new laws, they say the police are there to protect us, we don't need those guns.

The dirty little secret is, we do. The police take time to respond, and have no legal obligation to protect us. The young killers were shooting before they reached the doors, no metal detector would have stopped them, they seemed to ignore the laws against murder, we can assume other laws regarding guns would be ignored as well. So how will more laws save lives?

The situation would have been very different had even one in ten teachers been armed, and trained in the use of a firearm. How far would the murderers gotten if a teacher or two were returning fire? But they could not be armed, even the new concealed carry law, which is another victim of the young murderers, would not allow guns in schools. If a teacher had been armed and saved the lives of students, they would have been arrested and charged with a crime, for their trouble.

So the question begs asking, who are the real enemies? Those of us who say "Arm yourself, defend yourself, we want you to make your lives your own, and see that you have the tools of self defense." Or those who cry "Guns are bad, give them up, we will have the police protect you, you shouldn't defend yourself, you are not qualified." I think our enemies are those who wish us defenseless, to be sheep for the slaughter.

As you look for a target to blame, don't look at the guns they carried, the trench coats they wore, the Internet they surfed, or the books they read. Look to those who made those teachers and children into unarmed targets. The blood is on the hands of the supporters of gun control, they are accessories to murder. They are the ones who de-clawed the cat, and set it loose in the neighborhood, to be beaten and killed by the larger and nastier among them.

Scott Graves
[email protected]

I agree with you that the time for polite behavior is past. The enemies of freedom will not let the dead rest, they will parade the pictures in front of all, blameing the guns and not the kids. So why should we in all decency let those dead lay. We must remind the world that the blood is on the hands of supporters of Gun Control. Remind the world that gun control supporters are even worse than people who abandon declawed kittens, and a special place in hell will be reserved for them.

Thank you for the vent space

Scott Graves

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