

L. Neil Smith's
Number 49, June 30, 1999

Letters to the Editor

by Our Readers

Send Letters to [email protected]

Letter from "C.W." with answer by Vin Suprynowicz

[To Vin Suprynowicz]:

           Thank you so very much for the spelling and grammer lesson. You see unlike "REPORTERS" we do not have proof reader's and I did not really feel like using the grammer and spell check. I also hate to destroy your little world, but I am a college graduate. Yes, a full fledged product of higher education with honors. You see I figured out a long time ago that spelling cat correctly and putting commas in the correct spot of a sentence do not amount to much when you have to tell a parent that their child will not be coming home ever again because of a drunk driver who only made a "simple mistake". Or when you return a lost child to the parent's who are going out of their mind with worry, or the nice old couple you stop in on just to make sure that everything is ok and give them their mail, that they just couldn't seem to get since there is 10 inches of snow on the ground and it is 5 below 0. Or the officer who spend's countless hours gaining enough evidence to convict the rapist, child molester or wife beater who didn't meen to do it. Forsaking his or her family to get the scum bag criminal off the street. Or the officer's who risk thier lives to save countless other's. Funny, it seems that opinion reporter's are never there to report on these action's or situation's. I am not saying that the police officer you are speaking of was in the right or wrong. I was not there so I cannot pass judgement. I did not investigate so I cannot pass judgement. From what I can tell in your opinion column you were not there either. Yet, it is very easy for you to pass judgement. Not only on this incident, but on law enforcement as a whole. In a society where kid's are taking gun's to school and shooting other kid's. Women are raped at a rate of one every 3 minutes, children are being molested and abducted in record number's not to mention malitia groups, drug dealer's, gang member's and the countless individual's who feel that they do not have to comply with a police officer's order then it is a great wonder that more criminal's are not shot. It is a real shame that you chose to cruisify the one entity that is there to seperate good from evil. Tell me something. If you and or your family is again the victim of a violent crime, who are you going to call?



Right --

           Richard Henry Lee, along with others of the founders, defined the militia (not "malitia," of course) as "all men capable of bearing arms." By falling into this pattern of identifying "militiamen" as criminals, you clearly imply no American (other than cops and the Army, of course) has a right to keep and bear military- (or police-) style firearms. If you feel it is your duty to arrest, disarm or kill all members of the militia, please be advised you are outnumbered at least 300-to-1, and it may not go well for you in the long run.
           This is why it might have been better had you received a somewhat more well-rounded education, instead of attending a "college" which produces graduates who believe "grammar" is spelled with an "e."
           At least we have the comfort of supposing that -- study habits being developed at an early age -- you have studied the proper use of your issue weapon about as well as you paid attention in elementary school. I presume you always rack the slide before dropping the magazine, and then check to make sure the chamber is empty by pressing the muzzle to your temple and pulling the trigger? No need to pay attention to little details like how to spell or punctuate a sentence, or the proper order of steps in unloading your weapon. Rules! Who needs 'em ... even if they might help folks figure out what message you're trying to communicate ... or save a life.
           The problem with the lack of confidence you inspire with your messages full of misspellings, you see (one doesn't need a comma before the "s" to form a plural, in English) is that you're asking us to trust your judgment, maturity, and attention to detail when you're out rousting citizens late at night, shining bright lights into their eyes and trying to bully them into waiving their Fourth Amendment rights against unconstitutional searches and seizures. We don't LIKE having thugs interrupt our peaceful travel, hoping to seize our cash and possessions and leave us unarmed. Has that fact never occurred to YOU?
           If a would-be criminal tries to assault me or my family, I'm certainly not going to call in the UNIFORMED killers here in Las Vegas. (It now takes an average of 20 minutes to get a response to a 9-1-1 call in Los Angeles; thank goodness all rapes, robberies and murders take longer than that. And what will the cops ask for if any when they finally do arrive -- seconds?) I'll take care of the problem myself.
           After which, a bunch of glorified, uniformed record-keepers with clipboards will probably come and try to seize my arms and arrest me for defending myself.
           See if you can grasp one point before returning to this endless dirge about all the "sacrifices" you make to "protect" me: I don't WANT any more of your protection. When is it I supposedly had a chance to vote on whether I wanted it, or that I was given any chance to pull the lever or push the button that reads: "No more protection, PLEASE. Refund me my tax dollars so I can afford a few more 'pre-ban' magazines"? And if you justify looting people's pocketbooks to provide them with armed "protection" they've never asked for -- "protection" which can include breaking into their houses in the middle of the night, stopping them at random to check their "papers," or even shooting unarmed citizens for failure to obey your orders quickly enough -- how does that differ from the kind of "protection" the Gestapo and the SS offered the peoples of the captive nations from 1938 to 1945?
           They were "only folliowing orders." They told us so at Nuremberg.
           Or didn't they cover that in your "college"?

-- V.S.

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