by Our Readers
Send Letters to [email protected]
Letter from Jack Resch
Letter from Frederick Mann
Letter from Ori Pomerantz
Letter from Jack Resch
Mr. Taylor,
Have just caught up on my back issues of TLE, and have enjoyed
them. You have quite an edge, and I hope that the trend toward
"edginess" continues. My home is suffering under a simulated Y2K
emergency, as my water well burned up. This has given me some
contemplative time, as I wait for daybreak to repair it. I live near
a military base in central Virginia, and after the "tanks" article I
certainly feel less safe than if I was living on 14th and U in
downtown D.C.! The tone of the several past issues have both
depressed and encouraged me about the state of freedom in this
country. Has the well of Liberty dried up (like my home well!)? I
have come to the conclusion that as long as there are Libertarians as
represented in your magazine, the answer is a resounding HELL NO! I
hope we will all be ready for Liberties' upcoming challenges, and
stand together to be counted as one. Even if we have to stick Neil in
the White House for a short stay. (much to his suprise and
astonishment!) Thanx for a job done well, and good health to
all.(looks like we need it!)
-- Jack Resch [email protected]
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Letter from Frederick Mann
You're welcome to publish this in Letters to the Editor (edited
as you think appropriate):
Your definition of a libertarian [see masthead -- ed.] raises an
important question: When I buy gas for my car, some of the money I
pay goes to terrocrats (coercive political agents or terrorist
bureaucrats); there's little doubt that some of the terrocrats will
use some of this money to initiate force against other humans; am I
therefore delegating the initiation of force against other humans by
buying and paying for gas for my car?
-- Frederick Mann [email protected]
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Letter from Ori Pomerantz
Freedom isn't Free
Who makes the choices in your life?
The gov? Your boss? Your husband/wife?
Just pay the price - you it can be.
Remember, freedom isn't free.
A soldier, bleeding in the field.
No friend near, his last words to heed.
He thought, he fought, soon he won't be.
He learned that freedom isn't free.
An exile, leaving all behind.
She has just one thing, that's her mind.
She could have stayed, a slave to be.
She'd rather pay, pay and be free.
In every time, in every land,
They hope you will not take a stand.
They tell you all OK will be.
Just don't make waves, and don't be free.
The price may be to go to war,
Abandon home, and slam the door.
Expensive freedom may well be -
But even more so slavery!
-- Ori Pomerantz [email protected]
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Another Libertarian Lesson Learned?
"In Chicago, where the heat wave of 1995 contributed to more than 700
area deaths, officials said they've learned many lessons about
helping the elderly and other vulnerable residents handle the heat.
Mayor Richard M. Daley said people must take responsibility for
checking up on loved ones.
"'Why don't family members check on other family members and
parents?' he asked. 'Why are they calling the city to do that? That
is the most frustrating thing in any crisis.'"