

L. Neil Smith's
Number 55, September 15, 1999
Fire Still Burning

The School-Security Scam

by Victor Milan
[email protected]

Exclusive to The Libertarian Enterprise

           Let's cut to the chase: the new deluge of fascist security measures deluging our nation's public schools will do absolutely nothing to preserve the physical safety of any students. It will not save a single life.
           But then, it's not intended to.
           No such measures "for the children" -- from conventional gun control on down -- are meant to save any actual individuals. Why would our government want to protect individuals, when its staunch, if not always explicit, belief is that individuals are of no value except as elements of their groups? (That excludes, of course, individuals who belong to the ruling classes or their servitors; every bureaucrat is precious, but we can burn Branch Davidian or Serb babies like cordwood and feel way good about ourselves. But I suppose that's "group identity" again.)
           A big clue is that schools are now being subjected to airport-style security -- which likely means, since the repression sewer flows both ways, we can look forward to mandates that airline passengers' carry-on luggage be transparent -- if it's allowed at all.
           We may remember that our invasive, disruptive, and debasing airport security procedures were introduced to "combat hijacking." At one point that might have made at least moderate practical sense, although for a free people to submit so readily to such privacy invasions was a major bad sign. But nowadays anybody serious about airborne terrorism infiltrates the ground crew; and either storms the plane themselves, or plants weapons for the actual triggermen, who waltz through the metal detectors without raising a peep.
           Airport security measures have swollen grossly in the Nineties. First, it was in response to the "threat" of Iraqi terror-squads during the War for Bush Jr.'s Offshore Oil Wells. Near the end of that operational victory and strategic loss, then-FBI director William Sessions was asked on TV how much evidence of actual Iraqi terror squads in the US the FBI had turned up. The Director said, "None." Which is the same amount of such evidence turned up to date. But the "temporary security measures" remain.
           Travel by air got more inconvenient and degrading after TWA 800 crashed: our beloved Fuehrer rushed through a new "anti-terrorist" package, conveniently waiting in his pocket like LBJ's Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. But now the feds hysterically deny that terrorists were involved in the downing at all, and to be sure not one scrap of evidence of an onboard bomb has surfaced -- about the same as evidence supporting the government's official "mechanical failure" explanation, as opposed to a hundred-plus eyewitnesses who say they saw a missile hit the aircraft.
           According to the government's own party line, the security impositions it rammed home after the wreck would have done nothing to prevent it. But they haven't gone away, have they?
           Notice a pattern? Any time a headline-grabbing mishap occurs, the government uses it as a pretext to expand its power -- or rather, the exercise of its power, since government believes all power belongs to it by right.
           But the Columbine Concentration Camps so popular now are even more transparently phony and fruitless.
           First off, anybody who ever suffered through our public "schools" has no excuse for not knowing that gangs -- including those wolfpacks of jocks who rove the halls abusing anyone they dislike and committing mayhem up to, at least, brutal battery and rape while school administrators look the other way -- don't need guns, or knives, or any weapons to commit violence on lone victims. I know that first-hand. Weapons don't particularly benefit numerous aggressors; they do enable victims to defend themselves more effectively.
           But here's the real nonsense about these security checkpoints, and it applies to airports as well as schools: let's say real malefactors belly up to the detectors, open their coats, and pull out, say, sawed-off shotguns such as the Littleton shooters used?
           What happens next is that the uniforms personning the checkpoint vanish down the hall trailing loud screams and brown streaks.
           Think that's harsh? Reality so often is.
           The armed protectors of this "civilization" some of us are so proud to be part of didn't do too much at Columbine, did they? One uniform is actually said to have exchanged a couple of shots with the perpetrators -- to no effect. The elite Littleton SWAT unit cowered behind cars pissing down the Nomex legs of their midnight-blue Ninja BoyT SWAT suits and quivering like whipped dogs for hours after Harris and Klebold had neutralized themselves. But they were sure hard-core when it came to brutalizing such students as they hadn't allowed to bleed to death with their four-hour fugue of cowardice and incompetence.
           As always, one determined victim with a gun could have a put a stop to the killings right away -- as such an armed individual could have stopped cold all of the various mass shootings the media have been so pleased to showcase. As armed Americans halt intended acts of aggression dozens of times each day all across America, in the vast majority of cases without needing to fire a shot.
           But the victims in Littleton -- and Atlanta, and that California kiddy center -- did as they were told: went forth about their lies unarmed, mentally and spiritually as well as physically, trusting in their uniformed governmental protectors. So they died.
           The Orwellian measures being heaped upon the fascist nightmare that our government schooling system already is will save no lives. Nor are they intended to.
           But then, the public schools were never intended to "educate" children in the sense in which most of us understand the word. From Martin Luther to the public-education movement of the 19th century to the DoE and NEA educrats of today, the goal has been to produce compliant subjects: taxpayers, consumers, and conscripts. Cattle for our masters.
           These new measures are intended to up the amperage of abject compliance, in hopes of conditioning our children to march without question into the gas chambers when our rulers begin weeding out useless eaters in the name of sustainable development.

Victor Mil�n is working on his searing next novel, THE WAR FOR AMERICA

There's no need to circumvent Posse Comitatus any more. The new trend is to train police in military-style operations, equip them with military style weapons and send them on military style "search and destroy" missions. -- ed.

See also Cato on paramilitary police:


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