

L. Neil Smith's
Number 58, October 31, 1999
All Hallows Eve

Sewage To Wine? Wine To Sewage?

by Scott Paul Graves
[email protected]

Special to TLE

           There is an old saying, probably Scottish since I can see an old Scotsman saying this. "If you add a teaspoon of wine to a barrel of sewage, you still have sewage. If you add a teaspoon of sewage to a barrel of wine you now have more sewage." What does this have to do with the price of tea in China? Not much to tell the truth, but it has a lot to do with the price of sewage in Washington DC.
           We all agree that Washington DC is the largest source of crap in North America, and in such a barrel of sewage, what good is a bit of wine? Not to sound like a stick in the mud but even if my personal choice for El Presidente for Life of the United States, El Neil Smith, was to win, what could he do? One thing Limbaugh has right is the impotence of a "third party" president. Certainly it would mix things up, but stirring sewage just makes gas.
           Shutting down government agencies would piss off the unions and their allies in the media would go wild. Cutting the budget would give the media even more to talk about, and sacred cows on both sides would force an alliance like none we have ever seen before. We would see Republicans and Democrats working together with a new found reason to unite.
           I can hear you now, "If this train of thought has a caboose, will we see it soon?" Well, here is the baggage car at least. The second part of the old saying is the important one, we need to get the sewage out of our local barrels of wine. Instead of El Presidente, I think El Neil should try for Colorado Governor. Ron Paul should go for the soon to be vacant seat of Texas governor. All these bottles of fine liberty minded wine should be working on the local barrels, not trying to convert the barrel of sewage that is the Federal government.
           Now, I don't claim to be a great political guru, but local races are something I think we can win. First off, we can promise to work toward limiting the Feds from making a local mess. Imagine how much mileage a candidate for sheriff in any county in Texas can get out of the debacle in Waco. Get up and say, "Those Bozos in DC need to be kept out of our local affairs." Turn the hundreds of accounts of bureaucratic blunders into campaign issues. Vow to work toward keeping those blunders form occurring in your local area.
           Secondly, in a local race, you can talk to the groups that get folks elected. You don't need to count on the media to get your message out, you can get that message out in person. You can be a real grassroots candidate and make a difference. Even if you don't win, your message gets out there. Stand upon the bully pulpit of the candidate and cry freedom from every diner and rotary club meeting hall in the county.
           Finally, and most importantly, if the feds don't stop taking away our liberties, we are going to have a civil war on our hands. There will be quite a few important decisions to be made, and I for one would like a sane liberty minded fellow to make them. In any case wouldn't you rather have El Neil or Ron Paul as your Governor than a Republicrat or Demacan in that seat, in charge of the National Guard?
           Certainly lets not surrender the Federal seats to the forces of tyranny, but why waste our finest Chateau de Libertee upon such a sewage barrel. Let Harry Brown, a "Mad Dog 20-20" libertarian in my mind, go toward that task. I want to keep that bottle of El Neil in the Colorado cellars, not dump him in with such "vintages" as a "Kennedy eau de' Toilet".

Scott Paul Graves
President and CEO of Lawyers Guns and Money Limited
e.mail [email protected]

I am not a number! I am a free man! - Number 6


"I don't have a problem with that, because a member of Congress is here to do many things, including to do things for his or her district."
-- House Appropriations Committee Chairman C.W. Bill Young (R-FL), on congresscritters "earmarking" pork barrel projects in appropriations bills.

Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp%2Dsrv/politics/special/budget/stories/congress102599.htm

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