

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

Number 59, November 15, 1999
Remembrance Day

"A libertarian is a person who believes that no one has the right, under any circumstances, to initiate force against another human being, or to advocate or delegate its initiation. Those who act consistently with this principle are libertarians, whether they realize it or not. Those who fail to act consistently with it are not libertarians, regardless of what they may claim."

L. Neil Smith, Publisher
[email protected]

John Taylor, Editor
[email protected]

Vin Suprynowicz, Honorary Editor
[email protected]

Ken L. Holder, Webmaster
[email protected]

Alan Wendt, Internet Service Provider
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Editor's Notes
by John Taylor
[email protected]

I want to go on record -- here and now because, in the past, when I have not done so, I've found that a post hoc "I told you so" is not nearly as satisfying as it might seem.

There's an ever-increasing mainstream media awareness that "something" is going on vis-a-vis the Waco Massacre of 1993. Gradually, the nattering nabobs are beginning to pay "attention" to Danforth's investigation and the ongoing running gun battle between unlikely adversaries Judge Smith and the US Department of inJustice.

For a while, I (and I suspect many of my friends in the non-movement) pumped my fist and whispered, "Yes!" quietly to myself, fanning that still-flickering tiny little flame of belief that justice will out.

Folks, it just ain't so. We're already so far down the road to a police state that the probability of the truth ever coming out about Waco is about as likely as the canonization of Theodore Roscoe for being right about the Lincoln assassination.

And here's what I've been thinking lately:

It seems very odd to me that the ferals would ever let themselves get boxed in on something like Waco. Yet here we are, with new partial admissions and tantalizing leads emerging on almost a weekly basis ... leads that all point to a massive government cover-up of illicit activities in the persecution of the Branch Davidians.


Keep in mind, folks, that it is not necessarily lunacy to believe it possible that our government routinely conceals the truth from we, the people. There are way too many examples from the past, even recently in this century, where the power elite effectively conspired to disguise, dissemble, and dismiss when it came time to let the citizenry know what was actually going on.

Of course these actions were always revealed years later to have been undertaken with only the 'highest motivations'. The altruism of the government liars dressed up the package of tyranny like a bright ribbon, conspicuously attached to distract the recipient from the foul smell emanating from the gift box.

So why are we seeing so many revelations so relatively soon about possible government (mis)conduct at Mount Carmel? Why are so many evidence trails emerging intact? Why are our fears apparently being revealed as perhaps not patriot paranoia at all, but stark reality?

Well, one might conclude that there is justice after all, and that the murderers of Waco will be brought to account, unlike those at Ruby Ridge. One might indeed. Or ...

One might suddenly wake, cold sweat and all, as if from a nightmare, feverishly fitful and wild-eyed, stirred by the notion that maybe ... just maybe ... these revelations are deliberate attempts at provocation.

Maybe, just maybe, our government is pushing the buttons, one by one, that will lead to civil unrest -- if not widespread, at least sufficient that 'stern measures' will have to be undertaken to prevent the destruction of the fabric of our daily lives.

Maybe, just maybe, the government wants us to see what they have done -- probably not all of it, just enough to enrage our little minority of the population. Just enough to push us over the edge. Just enough to make us do something overt and nasty. Just so they can ... what?

Pass new anti-terrorism legislation? Restrict the internet? Declare martial law? Call out the guard? Mobilize the armed forces? Suppress the revolution? How far might they go?

Well, of course, mostly it would depend on what kind of reaction they seek to provoke. If they just want to unleash a few bombers, shooters, or robbers, then they are going for the legislative solution.

If they want to exercise a little real muscle, then they want to exercise the para- or full military solution.

What might they do if they want to exercise a 'final solution'?

Isn't it at least a little ironic that the Waco investigations are breaking right now? Is anyone besides me a little taken aback at the speed with which new revelations are appearing? It's almost as if they have some timetable. It's almost as if they want to bring things to a head around, oh say, the end of this year, start of the next?

OK, I had to get this out in the open. I had to say it now. And for once, I hope to not ever have the chance to say "I told you so".

If I do, it will be the least satisfying time ever.

Table of Contents

1. Guns For Tots
                  by "Hunter" Jordan

2. Time to Burn the Levi's
                  Steve Fairfax

3. 'Even a Child Could Figure This Out'
                  by Vin Suprynowicz

4. 'Cultures' are not Always Defined by Skin Color
                  by Vin Suprynowicz

5. Letters to the Editor
                  by Our Readers

6. Senate Should Adopt Rep. Hyde's Asset Seizure Bill
                  by Vin Suprynowicz

Back to The Libertarian Enterprise 1999 Issues.