

L. Neil Smith's
Number 101, December 3, 2000

From: "E.J. Totty" <[email protected]>
To: "Dave Jiles" <[email protected]>
Date: Sunday, November 26, 2000 3:27 PM


Darn good rant there!

The statist pigs who run this country don't listen to, or read about, what we have to say in any regard. We just are not important enough to be bothered with, unless their is some kind of photo opportunity, or news worth event that gets them face time or sound bite exposure -- most usually at our expense.

They let their bureaucratic underlings in the various three letter agencies monitor us for content, and if there is even a hint in the 'ether' that something is going down or might happen, the locals are informed to 'let's get ready to rumble', and then the parade of fools is gathered up for the show-down. The parade of fools is the local press, and a media hack or two for effect.

We are largely unimportant. All we do is let off steam to whatever person will hear or read us. That is, we are mostly unimportant just yet.

We reenforce each other's thoughts of liberty, speaking of how things are supposed to be, if the top law of this land were followed to the letter. And that is good, because it tells us -- all of us -- that we are not unique, nor are we alone. And it certainly can't hurt if we happen to sharpen our communication skills in the process.

There is a pervasive ratio, that I wish could be proven by some empirical method, that says that for every person who writes a letter to the editor in a larger news paper, there are at least 100 more who feel the same.

I wonder how many other people share our sentiments besides the libertarians who subscribe to the TLE?

If there are 100 more libertarians for each subscriber, and maybe 100 more for each of them, that is a considerable number.

There are a lot of people who don't have a computer, and of the considerable number of those who do, many don't have access to the 'net'. I can't begin to tell you how many people I work with that build the most complex commercial aircraft systems you will ever see, and while they use and employ top-of-the-line computers at work, do not have one at home. Some of those people are actually afraid of computers. All this, you understand, in the very heart of the area of the country where the 'net' reigns damn near supreme.

I do what I can to try and educate them, but one man can only accomplish so much.

There are a lot of people who merely use that computer for doing 'surface' searches, and we don't even factor into their awareness. We are under the water of their surface world, and only come into view when we get their attention either for something we have said or have done, or impacted their lives in some way.

Let's face it: if something is not on your radar of interest assessment, you are essentially non-existent.

Many kids don't see loss of liberty as a big deal, since their idea of liberty is not being grounded. Most kids live in the moment of 'now'. That is how they are being raised. And, that is the essential essence of the child and juvenile mindset: nothing is more important than what is happening RIGHT NOW. And, if it doesn't provide some kind of sensory pleasure or gratification, it is largely irrelevant.

Not without coincidence, this is how their parents view the matter as well. If you have not 'plugged into' the wall socket of what really matters, then you are essentially not 'energized'. That is where most Americans are, like it or not.

Fifty percent did not vote at all, and the other fifty divided among their various choices. What happened to the fifty who didn't vote? What the hell were they doing? That bothers me.

That Al 'let's recount until it's right' Gore got less than 25 percent and still came close is not the problem.

If those who didn't vote are raising some very interesting questions.

Who the hell are those people?

Where and in what states are they mostly located?

And, why do they see their input as irrelevant?

But mostly, of what political leaning are they?

Are they non-voters to keep their name out of the official rosters of citizens? There's a thought. The truly unknowns, the politicians dream and nightmare all rolled into one: the people who just want to be left alone. Like most of us who subscribe to the TLE.

But that takes me right back to the beginning: getting the message out. Getting the exposure, without causing alarm bells in fascist central to go off.

I'm thinking we haven't -- yet -- hit upon the right theme.

Our challenge is to make this medium THE message, so much so, that almost every time a persons accesses the net, the Libertarian message of liberty is there to be accessed.

In the meantime, keep your tongue wet, your powder dry, your attention at the ready, and your butt in gear!


From: "Steve Trinward" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Children's videos
Date: Sunday, November 26, 2000 3:29 PM

Jeff- Some already exist:

Watership Down is my personal favorite, and I recommend it for any kid who is old enough to deal with it (A few scenes are pretty graphic and bloody, in the name of making the story more real...). It works on several levels, as pure entertainment and political philosophy , as well as by being a wonderfully produced film...

This is the only explicitly libertarian offering I know of, but there are MANY good children's films with heros and heroines who exemplify honor and integrity.

I agree, though, that some of Neil's works are prime candidates for a film treatment....

Steve Trinward, Soul [sic] Proprietor, trinWORDS

[Last July 4th, the Disney Channel ran an old movie that I loved as a kid: Johnny Tremain. It's an excellent introduction to the history of the American Revolution. -- Webmaster]

From: "Curt Howland" <[email protected]>
To: "John Taylor" <[email protected]>
Subject: letter to the editor
Date: Sunday, November 26, 2000 6:21 PM

Regarding election in Florida, I think the democratic systematic theft will be harmful to them for two reasons: blatently thumbing their nose at the military, and lowering the general confidence in the election.

The only reason an abusive government stays in power is because of its military. One big reason democracy "works" is because people believe in the NEXT election.

Either the democratic party machine is terminally stupid, or they are so confident in their power that they just don't care any more.

And here I thought they were just evil, and it was the Republicans who were just stupid.

The experiment is over, representitive democracy has failed. Again.


From: "Brian Jennings" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Response to Jeff Colonnesi's complaint
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 1:44 AM

From: "Jeff Colonnesi" <[email protected]>
Subject: Reaching out to a new generation
Date: Friday, November 24, 2000 8:15 PM

Why isn't there a single cartoon or movie that portrays Libertarian ideals? More especially, why isn't there one aimed at the children's market?

I bought a DVD player recently - $99 at Circuit City, Apex brand, even has Dolby Digital out via coax. God bless the marketplace! My first purchases were The Patriot [also VHS] and The Matrix. [also VHS]

Somewhere on VHS I have Independence Day, [also DVD] a movie El Neil has referred to as "what appears to be a joyous celebration of human competence and freedom containing not a single mistake, even from a strictly Libertarian viewpoint." (from his essay "Is Someone Collecting Ambroses?" which can be found on this site)

If your kid is an average American kid, he's seen all three. For even more examples of what's out there, go to http://www.missliberty.com/

And in the meantime, relax! Consider the work of Friedrich Schiller and William Gilbert, and keep in mind that the most enduring tales are the ones about liberty.

Brian Jennings

[El Neil says one of his favorite libertarian movies is Demolition Man [also DVD] -- Webmaster]

RE: [letter 7 in last week's issue]

I've had the same thoughts Jeff Colonnesi wrote about in TLE #100 (With the Tiniest of Fanfare), so it's not surprising that I think he's correct about targeting libertarian themed movies at kids. Grab the agitprop by the lapels and make it do liberty's bidding for a change!

I think the many "juvenile" novels by Robert A. Heinlein would be a great start. Citizen of the Galaxy, Red Planet, Between Planets, Podkayne of Mars, Tunnel in the Sky, The Star Beast -- those Balkanized-America stories from Revolt in 2100; "'If This Goes On'" and "Coventry". These are perfect stories to get the fire of liberty and self-sufficiency burning in kids. (Just look what they did for me!)

A computer-animated production might be easiest and cheapest. Several are being produced for Saturday morning kids' programming and have been for years now. I recently watched a modernized, PC, made-for-TV version of Starship Troopers that was called Roughnecks (or something like that). It consisted of several 30 minute episodes and was based on the movie that came out a few years ago. I think it was produced in Canada of all places. Even though it was only loosely based on Heinlein's book, it was still entertaining. One memorable scene had a pilot up-chucking in the cockpit after a particularly hair-raising event. I laughed my ass off (and still can't get it reattached).

Maybe a series of Saturday morning Libertoons?

What about comic books? Since they're sometimes turned into huge motion pictures (e.g., Superman, Batman, Spawn, X-Men, Dick Tracy (okay bad example)), this could turn out to be quite lucrative.

You artsy folks out there: GET BUSY!

Mark Rogerson
[email protected]

From: "EXT-Morrison, Russell L" <[email protected]>
Subject: Overturning the Election
Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 12:27 PM

Does anyone remember 1998, during the impeachment hearings, how the Democrats (falsely) accused the Republicans in Congress of trying to "overturn the election"? And how the mainstream media (uncritically) broadcast this accusation to the public?

Fast forward to 2000: George W. Bush is the certified, legal winner of the Presidential Election. By the rule of law, Mr. Bush is the president-elect. Al Gore is attempting to overturn the results of this election in the courts. Where is the outcry now? Where are the pundits, screaming about using the courts to "reverse the results of the election"? Where are the newspaper editorials, decrying the "abuse of the process" in a "grab for power"?


From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: V.D.
Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 1:09 PM

'Votile Dysfunction': the inability to fully impregnate one's chad.

It's a national epidemic (see below); does it only affect Democrats?

Bobdole needs to lend Algore some 'Voteagra'.

Uncounted ballots --

Cook County, IL:    120,503
Washington:          30,602
Georgia:            101,740
California:         175,938
Ohio:                92,378

Data: http://cbsnews.com/now/story/0,1597,252872-412,00.shtml

From: "Marty Abrego" <[email protected]>
To: "The Libertarian Enterprise (John Taylor)"
Subject: TLE: The President's First Day in Office
Date: Saturday, December 02, 2000 3:20 AM

I'm the biggest fan of El Neil, and I certainly would have voted for him if I lived in Arizona. In light of his many critizisms of Harry Browne, I wanted to share an excerpt from a recent column at WorldnetDaily:


The President's First Day in Office

by Harry Browne

On Wednesday, Joseph Farah told us what he would do* if he were the new President. He focused mainly on whom he'd appoint to his cabinet, but I'd like to tell you what actions I'd take if I'd been elected President.

After my inaugural day, I'd probably spend little more than an hour a day in the Oval Office, because a busy President is a dangerous President. But for the very first day, I'd an extremely long agenda.

On that first day in office, by Executive Order I would:
* Pardon everyone who had been convicted on a federal, non-violent drug charge, order their immediate release, reunite them with their families, and restore all their civil rights. (Anyone convicted of using violence against someone else in a drug case would not qualify as "non-violent.")

* Pardon everyone who had been convicted on any federal gun-control charge, tax-evasion charge, or any other victimless crime, order their immediate release, and restore all their civil rights.

I would empty the prisons of those who haven't harmed anyone else and make room for the violent criminals who are currently getting out on plea bargains and early release.

Following the issuance of the pardons:

* I would announce a policy to penalize, dismiss, or even prosecute any federal employee who violated the Bill of Rights by treating you as guilty until proven innocent, by searching or seizing your property without due process of law, by treating you as a servant, or in any other way violating your rights as a sovereign American citizen...

This last flies in the face of what El Neil told us about his conversations with Browne. Has Harry seen the light of El Neil's "Bill of Rights Enforcement" in the aftermath of the election? Another scheme to line the pockets of his campaign staff? "Bill of Rights Harry" in 2004??

[email protected]

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