

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

Number 63, January 15, 2000
World Doesn't End!

"A libertarian is a person who believes that no one has the right, under any circumstances, to initiate force against another human being, or to advocate or delegate its initiation. Those who act consistently with this principle are libertarians, whether they realize it or not. Those who fail to act consistently with it are not libertarians, regardless of what they may claim."

L. Neil Smith, Publisher
[email protected]

John Taylor, Editor
[email protected]

Vin Suprynowicz, Honorary Editor
[email protected]

Ken L. Holder, Webmaster
[email protected]

Alan Wendt, Internet Service Provider
[email protected]

The Libertarian Enterprise is available at http://www.webleyweb.com/tle/. Web edition of TLE courtesy of Ken Holder.

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Editor's Notes
by John Taylor
[email protected]

With less than a year to go until the new millennium, I'd like to be the first to do a retrospective in this, the final year of the second thousand years, A.D.

In 1999, we presented you, dear reader, with 19 action-packed issues of TLE, the most issues published in any year since we first slid down the ways.

Grid willing, we will continue to bring you TLE on time and below budget, thereby restoring regularity through high-fiber content found nowhere else in this continuum.

As always, we encourage you to share TLE with your friends (and enemies) -- with proper attribution, of course. And, moreover, feel free to write. Let us know what you think of TLE -- the good, the bad, the ugly. Better yet, write us an article. (I hear the editor's a pushover!)

Recently, a reader voiced a mild complaint that there was an awful lot of Vin in TLE, and that those articles appear elsewhere. True enough. But one of the founding purposes of TLE was to extend the exposure of radical libertarian writers -- and that's just what we intend to try to do. Besides, I just can't get enough Suprynowicz in my reading diet.

Other readers have criticized my lack of editorial authoritarianism in failing to correct errors of spelling, grammar, punctuation -- even logic and reason. Guilty as charged! But until such time as the Publisher Himself lodges a complaint, I'm going to hold the crop. I want to encourage our authors as much as possible. If that means suppressing my natural Virgo tendencies for the good of nurturing budding libertarian polemicists, then that's what I'll do. So submit, submit, submit, you aspiring Vins and Neils! We'll all grow, together.

Last, but far from least, and speaking of Himself, I have extracted a pledge from Famous Author to deliver more frequent essays to the bosom of his brainchild. Now that the pesky nuisance of writing for a living is more or less under control, El Neil should be making more much-welcomed appearances within our cyber-pages. And won't we all be glad?

So, it is with hope for the future that we launch this, the first TLE of the year before the first year of the new millennium of Christian accounting, unto the ether and into your mail readers and web pages everywhere.


John Taylor
[email protected]

Table of Contents

1. Letters to the Editor
                  by Our Readers

2. 2. Che Guevara In, Joseph Stalin Out
                  by Vin Suprynowicz

3. 3. Untitled
                  by Curt Howland

4. 4. To Unravel Bill of Rights, Start With a Single Thread ...
                  by Vin Suprynowicz

5. 5. Shysters!
                  by James J. Odle

6. 6. Peasants Keep Out
                  by Vin Suprynowicz

Back to The Libertarian Enterprise 2000 Issues.