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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 80, July 10, 2000 Crimes and Guilt Editor's Notesby John Taylor
I hope you all had a reflective 4th holiday! We did family reunion things and resolutely ignored the flag, the parades, and all associated jingoism. Since I will no longer fly the modern national ensign, I have taken to flying different flags, depending on my mood and the prevailing circumstances. In May and June, I flew the "First National", for a variety of reasons. One of our neighbors, a Methodist minister, ambled over one day and asked if that was a colonial (I guess he meant "era") flag. I told him no, it was the First National Flag of the Confederate States of America ... and he took off for home like a scalded hound! I mean, he was all but running for home. Even Miz Aprell (my wife, who sometimes fears that I sometimes overstep the bounds of civility) found his actions absurd and laughable. I wonder what he was thinking? I'm fairly certain it wasn't about Freedom! John Taylor [email protected]