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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 108, February 12, 2001 Plenty of Abuse to Go Around So Mel, You're Back!by John Taylor
Exclusive to TLE In November of 1995, I wrote a piece for TLE (Issue #2) called, "So
Long, Mel"�a fond farewell to the execrable Mel Reynolds of
Daleyville, sent to prison for having sexual relations with a
sixteen-year-old campaign volunteer.
In it I said, among other things: ... Considering his record in Congress, I think we should accept the verdict on the grounds that he clearly did do to Lady Liberty what he was accused of doing to the young girl. And in a forceful, coercive, repeated fashion at that. Reynolds has long been an outspoken advocate of restricting the rights of his constituents and of American citizens everywhere. Buried among the many questionable pardons issued by "I Never Can Say Goodbye" Bill in his last hours as SCROTUS was one to his old pal, and fellow defiler of Lady Liberty. Though it's not getting the press that Clintoon's pardon of Richie Rich, it has attracted a little attention. In a January 31 TownHall.com article
Clinton ordered Reynolds released from federal prison and commuted the remaining two years of his term. A federal jury convicted Reynolds in 1997 on 15 charges of bank fraud, wire fraud and lying to the Federal Election Commission. Reynolds had also been convicted in 1995 by an Illinois jury on two counts of solicitation of child pornography, three counts of criminal sexual assault, three counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, and four counts of obstruction of justice. Couldn't have said it better myself. When you think of this, and I hope you will, perhaps you'll silently indict the Arkansas Assassin one more time for resurrecting this piece of schmoo, of whom I'm sure we've not heard the last. And while you're thinking of Reynolds, think also that it's too bad that Clintoon couldn't, in like manner, resurrect Rickey Ray Rector.