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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 108, February 12, 2001 Plenty of Abuse to Go Around Will Freedom Livers Be Outraged?by John Taylor
Exclusive to TLE For years, we at TLE have been pointedly accusing the NRA of being the nation's largest and oldest gun control organization. For those of you in doubt�and those of you in denial�here is some further evidence to substantiate our assertions. In their "NRA-ILA News and Releases" electronic mailing of 2-5-01, the NRA notes: "For years NRA has said that the best way to fight illegal gun use is to enforce the laws already on the books, not pass more laws. Now, the Progressive Policy Institute agrees." For as many years as the NRA has been pimping this old whore of an idea, we have been trying desperately to point out that the 22,000 gun "laws already on the books" are, each and every one, unconstitutional. Why would we want to enforce the 1994 Ugly Gun Ban ... the Lautenberg amendment which 'felonizes' misdemeanors and creates ex post facto law ... the Protection Free Gun Free School Zone law, passed once, subsequently declared unconstitutional, but risen again from the dead, as ill-tempered and ugly as Boris Karloff in "The Mummy"? Why indeed? And why would the NRA, self-professed main line of defense for gun owners, promote such a stupid notion? For that matter, why would the NRA create such hideous travesties as "Instant Check", "Three Strikes", and "Project Exile"? Oh. I almost forgot to ask�and just who is this Progressive Policy Institute that the NRA proudly trumpets as having climbed on board their authoritarian bandwagon? Hmmm ... "Progressive Policy Institute" ... sounds like
something out of the Fightin' Bob LaFollette camp�a "Mother Jones"
kind of thing. But the great gray lady (aka six blind fakirs groping
an elephant)�I'm the NRA and I vote (Republican no matter what)!
-- would never willingly climb into bed with a N-a-a-a-h.
Must be something else. Surely no idea that was actually good
for gun owners would be touted by a Nope!
Here's the lowdown on the Progressive Policy Institute�newest
bestest "Friends of the NRA"�and in their own words:
The Progressive Policy Institute is a "New Democrat" "Third Way"
so-called "centrist" collection of do-gooders who preach: "Oh we
don't want to control you. We just think it's time we move past all
the hateful rhetoric, past the acrimony, and find a new solution�
hey, I know ... let's do it our way. After all, we're being
reasonable about this ... see?"
And we're the oysters to their Walrus and Carpenter.
Yep, the senile-before-their-time brain-dead-trust in the Crystal
Blue Persuasion Palace�"Hey! We moved outside the Beltway; we
don't think like Marion Barry any more!"�bought it lock, stock,
and two de-activated barrels.
What a confederacy of pogues!
Can these people get any stupider? Is there even a scale that
measures that great a descent into idiocy?
Hey, ChuckJimWayne & Company! These people are your Lucy van
Pelt; they're going to yank the football away and you're going down
again, right on that great pumpkin of a blockhead of yours! Wake the
heck up! If you're being praised by the Progressive Policy Institute,
you've done a bad, bad thing. You've soiled the carpet again.
Bad NRA! Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad! Go get in your crate!
Wayne, I know I've asked you this before ... and maybe you thought I
was kidding.
I wasn't.
Could we please have our money back?