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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 118, April 23, 2001 Just Another Thursday Past April Foolsby Lowell Potter
Special to TLE O.K. Even I can admit it. Timothy McVeigh screwed up. Slaughtering innocents is messy, unproductive, and just downright beyond the pale. Not to worry, though, the guvvies have plans to fix his wagon. The bitterest avengers bemoan the painless sterility of McVeigh's planned May execution as unequal to the massive death and destruction caused by his hand, but by however method, the totalitarian finality of the expedient judaic laws of capital punishment must be an agonizing mental penalty, ....before the fact at least. From the days of yore which gave rise to officially organized ancient rites of execution, like stoning, drawing and quartering, and burning at the stake, right up through the refined epochs of hanging and beheading, the traditional human passions for power and revenge are codified into law by guvvies of every era, ....codes, uniquely in the American experience, which serve to replace 'the consent of the governed' as the derivation of government's just powers. So, even if by a blast of fast acting poison, the mega-state will exercise the ultimate sentence on McVeigh, ....the big snuff job, ....with all the spectacle and attendant manipulative media exposure it can possibly muster. Future historians will unanimously recognize controlled mass media as a weapon more powerful and effective than even the most horrible guns and bombs. Perhaps the bitterest Oklahoma City avengers were right to bemoan the bomber's punishment, ....not for want of a more spectacular execution necessarily, ....but maybe for a more christian-inspired, spiritually flagellating pennance of life in prison for McVeigh's indiscriminate zealotry. The irony is, of course, ....despite the misguided and/or misdirected symbolic assault on the Murrah Fortress, ....that the official bloodletting ceremony is in retaliation for a retaliation of previous atrocities committed by guvvie officials themselves. Make no mistake. The guvvies are players. The live-by-the-sword, die-by-the-sword types that are seemingly historically and inexorably inseperable from any evolving human society. McViegh became a player ....and not even when he bombed the feds and their kids, ....but way back when he first signed on with the guvvie's imperial armed forces. The root of the evil, citizens, is the government. I know of no family Joe's or Jane's, or even of any maniacal lonewolves, that purposefully plot and commit martial political acts to raze and destroy city blocks, city-states, and whole nations, ....including women and children, do you? The sad reality in America is that when atrocious acts against guvvies are resorted to by oppressed people in the face of guvvie usurpations, the whole damned country is no longer functioning under its own rules of law, ....specifically, the part about 'deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed.' The real April Fools, I'm afraid, are not the guvvies or even the McVeigh's who lash out against them. They are merely the soldiers on the worldly stage of the great human passion play, fated players acting out the basest murderous impulses of political behaviour that man can muster against man. These fools are out there doing it! Death and destruction, murder and mayhem, ....for real! Players! I fear it is we who are the real fools. We, the mundane and pedestrian everymen, who, weary from our well-intentioned servitude, behold the unceasing carnage in the name of America on our media screens with a mere blind indifference or a loathing silence. Maybe I'm wrong (again), but I think you have to make a choice, ....then you get your fate. Do we the governed, give our consent to guvvies who claim a slavish and merciless imperial state is duly functioning within justly derived powers? Do we the governed, consent to a committee in a shining mythical city of monuments, senates, and courts to take possession of half of our life's work and keep it for themselves and their wards? Do we, the governed, consent to a regime which pampers murderers, thieves, and rapists while seeking to criminalize those holding disapproved personal moralities and exercising freedom of thought and expression, ....including dissent of official policy and conduct? Critics and philosophers who point out government malfeasance are quickly branded by a reactionary corporate state as 'over-simpifiers' who cannot grasp the underlying 'complexities' of modern world politics. The fact is that any peace loving, law abiding person can see that when the streets are constantly running red with blood, there is a de facto mismanagement of deadly force occurring, ....no matter what the official spin is over at the so-called "Department of Defense." Do we, the governed, want to answer the hard questions we must inevitably ask ourselves? It may be a good time to start. If we don't soon, the next thing you know, they'll be offically changing April Fools Day to the 15th. Eros GemsEros: the driving force of Creation Gems: precious stones cut and polished for ornament http://www.metaculture.net/erosgems Gemstones: the ultimate in concealable, transportable value. E-Gold, PayPal, checks, and money orders accepted. 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