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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 120, May 7, 2001 FASCOPSISM What The ???by Lowell Potter
Special to TLE Caveat: The author is prone at times to use profanity in expressing his outrage and indignation with the current state of world political affairs. This is one of those times. What the fuck is it with some people, anyway? They just don't get it, I guess. They just don't get it that other people want to do what they want and live their own lives without a bunch of busybodies poking their noses into their personal business. Take Robert Downey, f'rinstance. What the fuck is it with these control freaks, anyway? The poor guy is a political pawn being flayed and tortured. You can only vilify someone so much and exploit him for his propoganda value so far before you end up making him into a martyr. This time, they brought in the storm troopers because Downey "appeared to be under the influence of drugs." So now, apparently, it's a crime to "appear to be under the influence of drugs." What's next? Arresting people who "appear" to have just had extra-marital sex, or perhaps people who "appear" to have contemplated some physical assault or larceny against another? The "thought police" are a modern reality. Speaking of martyrs and "thought police," who even knew the govvies were blowing suspected "drug trafficking" airplanes out of the sky over South America until the recently revealed assault on the missionary airplane in Peru? Praise Be! Our benevolent, imperial federal government is spreading around a little more global goodwill -- all in our names! Thanks, guys! As far as the Downey situation goes, the guy just likes to get high ... like half of the rest of the people in the the world. Back the fuck off, will ya? He's paying his bills, working like the all the rest of us. Shees! Maybe you really believe it is the right thing to do to spend millions of extorted tax dollars (yours) to persecute him and make sure that this citizen doesn't harm himself catching a buzz. Yes, jail him. That will help. Right. What of it, anyway? As I sit and write this, I have consumed the better part of two stiff Manhattans (currently not prohibited) and one left-handed cigarette (currently prohibited), and I am feeling no pain, ... just like half of the rest of the world. What is the compunction in a certain segment of the world's people that convinces them of their infallible authority over others? Who knows better about what you can eat and drink, or how much you can work and play? You, ... or some government authoritarian? Does government own you, or do you own yourself? How sick are you of hearing some idiot say that those wishing to hold the government accountable to the Constitution should, "move to the Soviet Union if they don't like it?" Hello!!! We've become the Soviet fucking Union! The sad and largely unnoticed truth in our modern world is that the Grand Experiment, ... the land of the free and the home of the brave, the United States of America with liberty and justice for all, ... has followed the likes of penny candy, nickel cigars, sound money, and heroic sports figures down the one way path to total extinction. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are just a joke to current public officeholders, obsolete laws blithely tossed on the scrap heap, no sooner than the official swears his allegiance to them. The true allegiance of public figures is paid to filthy lucre, opinion polls, and perpetual re�lection. Modern times find us in a de facto United Socialist States of America, where a hungry passel of mini-state bureaucracies orbit slavishly about a huge mega-state, seeking morsels and scraps emanating from the giant's gaping maw ... and, by God, don't you little people get in the way or you'll be crushed! Everything's about government now. I know, I know ... there are a million guys pounding it out all over the internet about government injustice and malfeasance, and many folks are sick and tired of hearing about it, but think about it for a second. Our society is comprised of two distinct categories. The govvies ... and the rest of us. And the govvies are not just politicians and bureaucrats, either. If you have ever heard someone calling the government criminal and uttered the tired old "move to the Soviet Union" mantra, you just might be a govvie, too. Govvies are everywhere. The millions of sloths "collecting" unemployment, food stamps, fuel assistance, rent assistance, medicaid, social (in)security, surplus cheese ... all of these are govvies, but perhaps not even the worst. You see, these goldbrickers make no pretensions about it. Right up front, they are "out to get everything they can from the system," making no bones about it. More secretive and insidious govvies are the guilds, the unions, and the licensees, including, but not limited to all government sanctioned corporations, doctors, lawyers, bankers, insurers, government contractors, public educrats, and subsidised farmers, who seem much less forthright in their complicity and/or duplicity ... yes, every one of them govvies, reaping the fattest sheaves from the producing fields of plenty the rest of us have endlessly toiled to create and nurture. If the preceeding strikes you as an indictment, then maybe the shoe fits. If the preceeding makes you stop and think about where your shekels are really coming from, consider this a grave admonition. Whatever the case, if you are gleaning public monies from honest labor or otherwise, your rewards are as surely tainted as any others resulting from common, blatant armed robbery. Simply renaming the plundering "taxation" certainly does not justify government iniquity. Kings once officially extracted taxes from serfs by "Divine Right." Today's royalty, sitting in high public office, does the very same thing, but now it's "for the children." Intentionally parasitic, or not, it's time for the govvies to get off the gravy train and take full responsibility for themselves. Try this for a change: Work, earn, and save, conducting all your dealings with integrity and honest weights and measures. Give charitably, according to your own conscience and ability, authoritarian edicts, notwithstanding. I dare you! Once upon a time, the most strident government critics calculated that there was perhaps a 50/50 ratio of govvies to producers. All things reconsidered, this assessment may ruefully be too optimistic, and things aren't likely to get any better until the rest of us start to, "Just say, NO!"