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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 129, July 9, 2001 SHAME, SHAME, SHAME! Editor's Note to all E-Mail SubscribersYOU'VE GOT MAIL! Miracle of miracles -- we have e-mail subscription delivery again ... well, sort of. I am attempting to manage the TLE e-mail list myself -- terra incognito if ever there was ... so please be patient! After I struggled a little to set up the mail software (my fault, not theirs!), and finally figured out the combination of settings that didn't 'offend' my ISP, I sent out TLE #128 (and, of course, now #129) via e-mail. If you're reading this issue on the web page because you're not receiving your e-mail copy, one of several reasons may apply. 1. When I sent #128, I got hundreds of "bounce messages" -- all of which appear at this juncture to be legit. So, it's possible that your address 'became corrupted' and is no longer valid. I am deleting any address for which I received a 'bounce' message that I could not resolve from my end. 2. I may not have a current subscriber list, especially if you've subscribed very recently. You may need to subscribe again, using the new method set out below. 3. I may have deleted you in error. It's possible that you could have just gotten 'lost in the sauce'. The subscriber list has passed through more portals than has Turok. There's one important matter yet to address: subscribing and unsubscribing. Effective with this issue, and until further notice, the procedure for unsubscribing/subscribing is as follows: To unsubscribe from TLE:
To subscribe to TLE:
It's possible that there will be further tweaks -- necessary or desirable -- to the e-mail system. Subscription information will be published at the 'foot' of every e-mail issue. Thanks to each and every one of our thousands of e-mail subscribers for your patience and consideration during these trying times! Freedom!