

L. Neil Smith's
Number 134, August 13, 2001
Call to Action!

American Fascism

by Keith Stehman Shugarts
[email protected]

Special to TLE

Fascism a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

American Fascism a. A system of democratic government marked by centralization of authority under a president and congress supported by a majoritarian mass, the creation of a legislated morality, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism.

The ideals of freedom and liberty are eroding quickly from the American landscape. These ideals are being eroded by the forces of increased government rule and law, the imposition of a legislated morality, a large military used to expand nationalistic interests, the growth of a majoritarian tyranny, educational indoctrination, an apathetic but compliant public, and a self-blinded media. What is rising out of the dust and remains of this freedom and liberty is American Fascism. Through this article, I hope to provide the basis for an exploration of this growing oppressive force.

The first example of this erosion is the loss of personal privacy through the increased of technology. Recently, America has been witness to the increasing use of video cameras to catch speeders, runners of red lights, and criminals through facial identification. Atick and Security Industry Association director Richard Chace, in response to outcries against the use of facial identification video cameras, said that U.S. courts have established that citizens do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in public spaces like streets and parks. Another disturbing facet of this is that businesses are working with the government to provide the technology for a percentage of the revenues derived from the enforcement of the law.

Through law and regulation, the United States government is attempting to replace individual sovereignty and decision making with the imposition of a legislated morality. This legislated morality is done through the enactment of law regulating individual behavior and actions. By banning or making certain actions illegal, the government is attempting to replace individual decision with that of the government � in essence, the government is attempting to legislate individual morality. Two good examples of this are the creation of illicit drugs and the banning of human cloning. Both of these decisions are best handled by the individual and not the government.

The American public is all too willing to lay freedom and liberty upon the sacrificial table in exchange for security or safety. A caller to the Rush Limbaugh show said that he would gladly give up a little freedom from safety (in response to the call for banning the use of hand-held cell phones in cars). A letter to editor printed in Time magazine some three years ago written in response to a story about Rudoph Guilliani's rule in New York said that a little fascism was good. Support for drunk-driving checkpoints, the war on illegal drugs, and the imposition of confiscatory tax laws are but a sampling of this submission to governmental rule.

The growth and expansion of the democratic license by expanding the number of people eligible to vote while keeping the number of representatives at a fixed level has led to the growth in the size and scope of the government of the United States. This has created a situation where a majoritarian tyranny is able to ignore the constraints placed upon it by the Constitution by non-challenged interpretation of it and a Supreme Court that believe legislates through judicial action. The majoritarian mass, acting through Congress, in an attempt to represent the views of many of their constituents, has created a government that creeps in all directions to strangle freedom and liberty. Hence, the growth of both the military, a "conservative concern" and social programs, a "liberal" concern, within the same administration and under the guidance of a mixed Congress.

Gun control is one of the hallmarks of American Fascism. However, the more frightening aspect of this is the willingness of many American gun owners to submit to so-called reasonable gun control measures. To put it bluntly, there is no such thing as a reasonable gun control measure. In reality, all gun control measures seek in one way on another to deny an individual the right to protect their sovereign interests and their freedoms and liberty. The dangers here exist because of the acquiescence of the public of their rights and liberties again as shown above. In Fascist German, guns were not confiscated, instead, the people chose to cooperate with the rising oppressive tendency of their government.

Education has turned from teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic, to indoctrination. Students learning to read, write, and think are threats to the system, are threats to the status quo because they are not as easily controlled. By being able to read and write, students would be able to grow into sovereign individuals. However, in the current educational system, the focus is on standardized testing, teaching of certain ideological ideals, and non-individualistic endeavors. Part of graduation requirements in many school districts is student participation in volunteer and community activities. The educational system in the United States has turned from education to indoctrination.

The willingness of the American media to participate as the propaganda arm of American Fascism denies most challenges to the status quo which it supports. The Office of National Drug Control is given incredible access to the American airwaves to broadcast its propaganda messages through the use of confiscated tax monies. What is more chilling than the ease at which the Office of National Drug Control propaganda is allowed access, is that alternative views are not allowed to exist � they are outlawed. Another government program, the Truth, is financed by monies coerced from American tobacco companies in a settlement forced upon them. Along with the educational system, the American media participates in the indoctrination of individuals by complimentary programming that reinforces beliefs taught in American schools. Programs shown on the History channel and other so called educational programming, very rarely challenge the status quo, and supports the indoctrination programs put forth in the schools. By supporting the status quo, the media does not provide those seeking alternative views any mainstream sources for them. Another troubling aspect of the American media is the government�s involvement with the regulation and awarding of broadcast licenses. Working through the Federal Communications Commission, the United States government is able to influence and coerce cooperation from the broadcasters.

The nationalistic tendencies of the United States are very evident. Intervention in Kosovo and the Balkans, interference in Latin and South American countries under the guise of the war on drugs, and a continued maintenance of a large military that allows American intervention throughout the globe. Currently the United States maintains a military made up of 1,370,000 people and requiring the expenditure of approximately 276 billion dollars per year. In 1940, the American military numbered only 458,000. In 1999, there were 258,000 American military personnel in over 100 countries. Lately, the incursions of the American military have gone largely unchallenged by the American media.

Certainly there can be more written on this subject. There should be, and there will be, articles covering each point will be following in the coming weeks. The point of this initial article is simply to put to rest the idea that the United States is still the land of the free and to begin to think of "...instituting a new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness".

Bio: Keith Shugarts is a graduate of the College of Charleston with a degree in History. He is a member of Phi Alpha Theta and the Golden Key National Honor Society. Keith enjoys restoring and sailing older sailboats and racing in local SCCA and NASA autocrosses.

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