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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 141, October 1, 2001 HOPE? OR GLASS? Alchemy: Turning Amber Waves of Grain to Glassby Victor Milan
Exclusive to TLE It is considered tantamount to treason in our rapidly-Sovietizing "America Under Attack" to say that 911 was the predictable consequence of our government's arrogant, irresponsible adventuring in foreign lands. But of course it's true. Baseball pundit Bill James - an odd person to quote in this context, I grant, although he's in fact very astute - maintains that we pay a price for everything we believe which isn't true. He's right. And how much more bitter the price when the stakes are higher even than baseball? Near seven thousand lives and counting: that's the going cost of believing that no one would or could treat Americans the way the US government has for decades treated people all over the world. And not just acceptably non-white people, the murder by embargo of a million of whom, to no discernible strategic end, Madeline Albright so memorably shrugged off as "worth it." German (and hundreds of thousands of non-German) civilians in WWII, Russian refugees from our ally Stalin, and more recently Serbs have also been among those to die in job lots of American self-righteousness. Unless we pull in our horns, forswear stupid imperialist ventures that serve no interest even of the nation-state, and begin to heed the advice of George Washington to avoid foreign entanglements, the blood-price we pay will mount. America is full of "patriots" who would have statements such as the above banned - although how one can call oneself a patriot while betraying the principles on which America was founded, and the sacrifices of the men who actually did fight for liberty, instead of for power-junkie politicians and corrupt foreign regimes, it's hard for me to see. But there's more at stake than even the "mere" rights the Stalinizers would have us discard in the interest of gratifying their Ted Bundy-like lust for the slaughter of innocents (and no doubt cushy jobs in the Ministry of Truth we're doubtless going to get to complement our shiny new Ministry of Internal Security.) Someone needs to keep sounding the warning until it's heeded. Because the US government and its warrior caste has failed to protect us and will continue to fail. The more we meddle and swagger around the world the more terrorism we'll get, the more thousands of us will die. Nor will the attacking terrorists always be Muslims, or even those pesky non-whites. They might be Slavs enraged at the genocide America has inflicted on them on behalf of genuine, Osama bin Ladin-allied, Islamic Albanian terrorists. It might be the IRA, should we interfere in the Blair regime's planned handover of Northern Ireland to their enlightened rule. It might be natural born American killers, animal rightists or paleo-Nazi environmentalists inspired by the exciting events of 911 as well as by EARTH IN THE BALANCE - the TURNER DIARIES of Green terror, as trailblazed by Ted Kaczynski. There's a whole world of terror out there that banning plastic knives in airports isn't going to do thing one to save you from. And should we ever give in to the true idiot cravings of the likes of Ann Coulter, currently auditioning for the role of Ilse Koch of the New World Order (though God knows she'll look better in the leather than Janet Reno), and nuke Kabul or Baghdad or declare war on Islam or perform some similarly bloated infamy, the American lives lost will soar into the tens or hundreds of millions. Because then we'll be fighting everybody. Game over, Rambo. Those are the stakes. We can face truth, or face America slagged - perhaps by a world united in outrage at the promiscuous terrorism of a real rogue state. If we attempt the "alchemy of turning sand into glass," we'll get the same transformation of amber waves of grain.