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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 142, October 8, 2001 More Harm Than Good? "Our Power is Our Right"by Sean Gruber
Special to TLE
The higher members of the 'government' in this country never talk about their 'authorities' origin. Likewise, most people in this country never talk about where the 'governments' authority comes from. It seems to be taken for granted that the 'government' has the just authority to take however as much, of whatever it wants, from whomever it wants, for whatever reason it wishes. It just seems to be a fact of nature to these people. The 'government' can do anything it wants. There are no limits to its powers. Waylay a family driving down a road without any specific cause, without any specific reason, stop them just because they are driving down a certain road at this particular point in time? (1) Absolutely. Kill a man and his followers for possessing implements of self-defense considered 'illegal' (2) - by a 'government' possessing weapons designed for nothing but indiscriminate, irrational, wholesale destruction? Absolutely. Some of the people that work for the 'government' or support the 'government' are intelligent enough to pretend that there is still a supreme 'law' of the land that even they must follow. But I doubt any of them believe it, and any that does, is so stupid as to be more dangerous then a person that just pretends too. From the most morally lacking street cop in the lowest position, to the most morally lacking cop in the highest position, they know that their job is that of the enforcer. Their motto of 'protect and serve' needs to be changed to 'enforce and control'. The patrolmen's supreme 'law' of the land is their police chief. And the police chief's supreme 'law' of the land is the politician. And as long as they follow that simple hierarchy they will be able to go on doing that which is the only validation for living to these 'people', controlling other people. The supreme law of the land to the politician: say whatever you want about your political 'enemies', but never question that they have the just authority to rule, because the moment you question their authority, you also question your own. Follow that simple hierarchy and they will be able to go on doing that which is the only validation for living to these 'people', controlling other people A bully is a truly disgusting person. He or she is a person that feels validated only when they are controlling. What would George Bush 2 do without power? I don't think he could be happy without someone to boss around. And what is even better for Bush and all of his type, is that the very people whom they impose it upon, praise them for their tyranny. What could be better for a rapist, then to hear his victim scream out during the act, 'you are such a noble rapist, for I could have never achieved this orgasm if you would have left it up to me to decide whether or not I would have sexual intercourse with you, for I am too simple of the mind to have decided for myself'? Or 'you are such a noble leader for outlawing some drugs and taking the decision out of my hands, for I am too simple of mind to have decided whether or not I would have put them into my body'? "Our power is our right." So you say ... what if some other group held that power? What if some group that didn't call themselves the 'government' purported to have the authority to 'tax' (steal) however much it wanted from whomever it wanted for whatever purpose it felt or thought worthy? If they told everyone, 'that they must have a number to get a job.' If they told everyone that they must have a license to use a road that they have been forced to pay for. And they offer as their justification only, 'this is the way it must be, for this is the way it always has been.' They say, 'if you violate our laws you are perpetuating anarchy! You will cause chaos! You will be a horrible terrorist that kills and maims children and elderly grandmothers with no cause.' Would their claim that this is the way it must be, be sufficient? Will you follow anyone or do anything if someone or some group claims that it is necessary? If so then listen to me because this is the way it must be: cease and desist all attempts to register me. Stop attempting to rule me, in other words stop trying to control what I do and do not put into my body. Stop trying to control how and for what I use my body and mind. Stop controlling what kinds of weapons I have accessible for defense of my life and property. Stop committing armed robbery against me. I have a feeling that you will say something to this effect in response to my demands, 'we shall not listen to you, for you are one, and we are many. We out number you, and therefore you have to do as we say, and if you do not, then you shall be treated just as any other criminal shall be treated� If you don't like the law then talk to your congressmen.' Well this is my response to your statement, 'No, I am talking to you! You are just as responsible for the 'governments' aggression towards me as any politician or cop is. For example: If I hire a man to rake my front yard and he instead rapes my neighbor's daughter then it is not I who am responsible. It is the rapist who is responsible. (3) But if I hire a man to rape my neighbor's daughter then I am responsible. You hire the government to rob, beat and ultimately enslave me, so you are responsible. You are just as guilty as the power hungry politician is. And just as guilty as the 'well intentioned' cop that throws a man in jail for a victimless crime. Whatever your motivation, whether it be that you think you are doing the right thing, or if you are just a sick, control freak fascist, you are going to be held responsible.' No more of this tight rope walk that you do down the line of right and wrong. You now know that the 'government' in this country is acting completely without any legitimate authority, its only justification for their action is: "Our power is our right." If you are on the side of the 'government' if you choose to willingly help it to sustain its completely illegitimate power, you too are saying: "Our power is our right." Using your system of morality not mine, we shall have to see who has more power before you can decide who is right and who is wrong. In the end you may be 'right.' But then again, I could just sit on every congressman's neighbor's roof in this country with a hunting rifle and place a little 'right', right between each congressman's ears� Hey, maybe some 'righteousness' might help you too. And there isn't a thing you can say to me about it because I will only be using the moral system of the majority, and hey, who am I to go against the will of the majority? I am one and you are many, so you shall not listen to me ... 'wake up mother-fucker, time to die!'