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L. Neil Smith's
THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 146, November 5, 2001 The One Percent Solution Americans Need Assault Rifles for Homeland Security!by Ken L. Holder
Special to TLE
It's time for Americans to get serious about self-defense. It's time for Americans to take on their individual responsibility for self-defense and Homeland Security. It's time for Americans to buy assault rifles, sniper rifles, wear-me-all-the-time pistols, and high-capacity magazines. It's time for Americans to stock-up on ammunition for their personal defense and Homeland Security weapons. It's time for Americans to ORDER their governments to repeal ALL of those silly so-called "gun control" laws (they are really victim disarmament laws) so Americans effectively do their individual jobs of DEFENDING AMERICA. What? Do you really think the "experts" can defend America? They didn't do a very good job on September 11th, did they? No sir, Americans had delegated their personal defense to a bunch of "experts" who turned out to be incompetent fuck-ups. Insiders have always known the FBI was nothing but a bunch of incompetent fuck-ups, but anyone who now believes the FBI can defend Americans is just an ignorant idiot. And the same goes for the CIA and the NSA and all the other incompetent alphabet agencies. All they are able to do is waste our money and FAIL to do their jobs. Do you think throwing MORE money at them will accomplish anything? No, giving them more money and more "authority" will just allow them to fuck-up even more than they already do daily. It's time for Americans to DEMAND tax credits for buying assault rifles, high-capacity magazines and ammunition (say at least 50% of the purchase price taken off your 1040, 100% would be even better!). All sales taxes on guns, ammunition, and accessories must be abolished -- this is vital equipment Americans need to assume their individual responsibility for self-defense and Homeland Security. It's time for Americans to begin carrying concealed weapons everywhere they go, and putting any "representatives" and "public servants" who don't like it in stocks. Every American should do his or her patriotic duty every day by going by the stocks and throwing some rotting fruits and vegetables at the twits locked in the stocks. When we let them go, they must wear a red "A" (for "Asshole") on their clothing for the rest of their life, or until they prove they are a friend of Americans instead of an enemy. It's time for Americans to tell the rest of the world if they don't like American values, they can go to hell, directly to hell, and not collect any $200. If they want Foreign Aid, send 'em Ted Kennedy -- no, be nice, send 'em INSTRUCTIONS ... an explanation of how American Values made Americans rich, and a full explication of those Values for doing likewise. If they embrace and adopt American Values, then they'll eventually become Americans -- the whole world will eventually become rich. If they don't they can stay poor. Screw 'em! It's time for Americans to stop apologizing for being the most civilized nation on earth, and time to start extolling the values of Civilization around the globe. Barbarians can just be walled-in and left to rot in their little hell-holes (with entrepreneurs encouraged to smuggle the goods and values of Civilization into them, of course -- for the revolution!). It's time to turn all of these silly golf courses into big "Combat Sporting Clays" type shooting ranges -- rifle and pistol as well as shotgun ... combat shotgun that is. I like trapshooting as well as the next fellow, but it's time for Americans to get SERIOUS about self-defense and Homeland Security. It's time for Americans to tell their "representatives" in no uncertain terms that there is no more discussion, that even expressing the slightest reservations about this will forever mark them as ENEMIES OF FREEDOM and ENEMIES OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Self-defense and Homeland Security aren't something that can be delegated to anyone else. It's something that can only be done by INDIVIDUAL Americans, for themselves and their families. For this they need assault rifles, high capacity magazines, and all the other "banned" tools which an individual American NEEDS to carry out his individual obligation to defend him or herself, his or her family, and our fellow Americans, from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. If our government employees don't like it, they can fold up their tents and go home, with a kick to the backside to speed them on their way. And don't forget those stocks and rotted vegetables! Call and write your "representatives" and explain how it's going to be. How it's GOT to be: AMERICANS NEED ASSAULT RIFLES FOR HOMELAND SECURITY!