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L. Neil Smith's Letters to the EditorSend Letters to [email protected] Regarding the term "pro-life" as used in the abortion debate. If one is merely anti-abortion, but supports the death penalty (or at least does not oppose it) then one cannot be "pro-life," merely anti-abortion. In order to be truly "pro-life," one must also oppose the death penalty under ALL circumstances. Allowing people who merely oppose abortion to define themselves as "pro-life" is misleading and probably chosen to grab the moral high ground. Let's apply truth in advertising here. If you merely oppose abortion, call it for what it is. Don't prevaricate and imply a moral choice you have not made. Barbara Cunningham [email protected]
Hi John, I noted an article that quickly bounced around the papers (does anyone read them anymore or just look at the pix?) then hit the video newshawks about taking the guns away from the people of Afghanistan. Please tell me I'm not the only one bothered by this! That the US is using UN guidelines to make the newly free people of Afghanistan victims again is too much to bear! By all accounts the climate of the freed nation is still a little "wild west", and likened by one chair-catching journalist as populated by "shakedown artists". Do our well armed high-tech conquerers need protection from individuals with personal, low tech self protection? Apparently so. This is a little heartening for those of us that still harbor the belief that an armed population is the best protection from tyranny. But saddened in the fact that the USgov doesn't really trust such a population with its own weapons. I suggest that if this fact is bandied about, those doing the bandying would be considered "unpatriotic". We have to do all we can to protect the troops "over there". Bullshit. What is now happening in Afghan-land is a model for what steps will be undertaken inside the US once "dissident groups" internal to the US are identified. The calls have already gone out to gather ATF papers as filled out for gun purchases "for review". Information about members of "gun rights" organizations like BRA, GOoA, JPFO, and the like could be used to create suspect lists for the purposes of gun confiscation. To make life a little rough for gun grabbers, I make it a point to "give" a subscription or membership to a liberal aquaintaince or enemy every year. It mucks up things, and strikes a blow for anarchy. It's fun too. Peace out, Jack Jerome [email protected] Dear TLE, Here is a link to Jonah Goldberg's article which prompted my reply to him: www.nationalreview.com/goldberg/goldberg121801.shtml Curt-
Curt Howland [email protected] [FORWARDED without endorsement or comment. - ed.] Dear John, Please take a few minutes of your time to read the following important message. There is a historic trial scheduled to take place in March, and the Isaacson Society Internationale is asking numerous organizations to assist by simply forwarding this letter to other liberty-minded individuals throughout the country. We thank you in advance for any and all support that you can provide! Respectfully yours, Beck Horne [email protected]
Has el Neil finally done it? Harry Browne is calling for Bill of Rights enforcement! www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=26185 Dennis Kabaczy [email protected]
Why does JPFO exist? What motivates us year after year? You can find the answers in our brand new book. People have asked us to present the whole JPFO argument in one place. We have done it. Available now in an easy-reading format and a handy size, the new book is entitled Death by Gun Control: The Human Cost of Victim Disarmament. The message is simple: Disarmed people are neither free nor safe - they become the criminals' prey and the tyrants' playthings. When the civilians are defenseless and their government goes bad, however, thousands and millions of innocents die. Order from JPFO NOW!
COMING SOON FROM JPFO: The State vs. The People, by Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman