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L. Neil Smith's
Number 161, February 18, 2002
Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Enron Schmearon!

by James J Odle
[email protected]

Exclusive to TLE

In prior years, in more intellectually honest times, people at least had the decency to call things by their proper names. Influence peddling was considered graft, bribery or outright corruption. Today, colorful expressions such as 'seeking access' or 'providing input' are used instead. In prior years, in more intellectually honest times, when government planners sought to centrally plan all of public life, the practice was termed 'communism' or 'socialism.' Today, its called 'capitalism' or the 'American Way.'

But we don't live in intellectually honest times. We live in an era where partisan spin doctors are running amok - twisting our very perceptions of reality from the normal, clear-headedness of logical thinking into the lunatic self-deception so common among the denizens of the District of Criminals.

Ever since the collapse of Enron has assaulted the public with its gale force winds, talk radio has been saturated with a veritable windstorm of nonsense pouring in from the likes of nationally syndicated Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham and others, all of whom sound as if they were singing from the same hymn book - no doubt provided to them by the RNC. Don't any of these people have a brain they can call their own? Don't they understand how robotic they sound when they utter the same inanities, no doubt drawn from the same talking points? But then, it's their boy and his administration that are potentially involved.

Speaking of their boy, George W. Bush, I can't help but express my disappointment in his latest political misstep. I didn't vote for Dubya - I haven't voted for a republican for President since Reagan. When Dubya ascended to the throne, I didn't expect him to demonstrate that he took our Second, Fourth or Fifth Amendment RIGHTS seriously - or the rest of the Constitution for that matter. I have not been disappointed. He has met all my expectations in this regard. Nevertheless, I did expect him to be a standup guy and declare the truth as best as he could and not hide behind 'executive privilege' or 'confidential communications.'

In the early '90's, during the shameful years of the CLINTON INFESTATION, the Hildebeast of New York, Senator Hitlery, held private confidential meetings with her cronies and attempted to centrally plan all of our health care needs. Deserving everything, she was soundly thrashed for her totalitarian efforts at the hands of talk radio hosts and listeners.

Clandestine national health care plans. Clandestine national energy plans. There is no moral difference between the two activities.

I contend that neither Enron or any other corporation is entitled to secrecy when they participate in activities that involve the planning of other peoples lives without their express, knowing consent. Corporations are public entities and have received government granted privileges. Matters of national policy are everyone's concerned - especially if our tax dollars are involved. The only exception to this rule is that corporations should not be compelled to reveal trade or industrial secrets or patents. Otherwise, full disclosure should be the norm.

Since Enron's downfall, it has been revealed that the Bush administration has held private consultations with Enron officials in which it sought to centrally plan our energy needs. It has also been revealed that Enron officials attempted many times to receive their quid pro quo for all the campaign donations they bestowed upon politicians of both parties in prior years. So far, there are no reliable reports of the Bush administration caving in to Enron's entreaties.

Nevertheless, let's be blunt.

Corporate officials don't pay their bribes today and expect their return on investment today. No. They pay today with the expectation that favorable regulatory policy or subsidy or other benefit will come their way next month or even next year. They allow the passage of time to cover their corrupt trail.

Meanwhile, the ongoing idiocy that is Senator John McCain has once again reared its ugly head. Once again he is pushing for the empty gesture that is campaign finance reform. Let's face it. Any campaign reform legislation passed will contain loopholes that can be utilized by clever attorneys to circumvent its intent. So what's the point? Besides, campaign reform legislation is already on the books. It's called the Constitution of the United States. All McCain has to do is use whatever bully pulpit he has and harangued his colleagues into confining their legislation to those powers that are expressly delegated to them and nothing else!. In return, this would minimize the motivation that special interest groups would have to bribe them! This is why I refer to 'campaign finance reform' as "Stop Me Before I Take Another Bribe!" legislation.

Let me leave you with the wisdom of Congressman Ron Paul -- the only representative I know of who is worth a damn:

[W]e ought to be asking ourselves why corporations and interest groups are willing to give politicians millions of dollars in the first place. Obviously their motives are not altruistic. Simply put, they do it because the stakes are so high. They know government controls virtually every aspect of our economy and our lives, and that they must influence government to protect their interests.

Our federal government, which was intended to operate as a very limited constitutional republic, has instead become a virtually socialist leviathan that redistributes trillions of dollars. We can hardly be surprised when countless special interests fight for the money. The only true solution to the campaign money problem is a return to a proper constitutional government that does not control the economy. Big government and big campaign money go hand in hand.

Ron Paul, R-Texas, "Texas Straight Talk," 2/4/02

James J. Odle is a splendid fellow who, unlike the vast majority of so-called 'public servants' has a real job in the private sector performing real work which a real employer voluntarily pays him to perform. He is also a Life Member of Gun Owners of America.

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The Rise of the American Police State
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