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L. Neil Smith's
Number 167, April 1, 2002
Eel Douche, Eh?

Having to Laugh so I Don't Cry

by Corey Langeslay
[email protected]

Exclusive to TLE

In truth I am a rabid Libertarian, and as "far out" as L. Neil Smith. I prefer the tactic of humor education in social settings to get the idea to the masses. Those that can't get the 2 X 4 system to work should use this tactic. So I will lay out the way for you to get started spreading the word of Liberty far and wide, and having people want to listen to what is just common sense to us. Some of us can hash a left winger Socialist into the dust. But did we really succeed in our goal to believe freedom is better, or just alienate them? I prefer to promote brain cell processing and conversion.

1. Finding a source for your inspirations try the humor section at your local bookstore. Hundreds of titles of the free market will happily sell you ammunition for the most powerful weapon we have against the anti-freedom establishment. Use their foolish words against them! I found a title that said something to the effect of "The stupidest things ever said" (Chock full of career politicians and their daily rants of anti-freedom vomit.) Some are useless, many books are overflowing with useful tidbits. Authors James Bovard or L. Neil Smith, even Ayn Rand may have some great stories that you could relay in a fun way to point out the failure of the Socialist movement.

2. Find a place to converse freely and humorously to a small group. Don't pass up the after work "Happy Hour" because this is an opportunity to speak about the failures of our current leadership (In a funny way) and influence those around us to possibly vote out the idiots and try the 3rd party choice of Libertarian. Because after all, are the ones we have now competent? Wouldn't't it be funny if they had to go out and get a real job because they lost to the Libertarians! Bars, bowling alleys, clubs, social gatherings of all types are there to be used to convert the masses. And as an extra point those that are young are usually the most open-minded. The old guy that has voted for the Democrat party for the past 40 years is probably to set in his ways to change, but the young rebel 22 year old ready to vote for their first time is a prime target to sway to the ideals of freedom. You just need to connect on that funnybone level.

3. Keep a stock of amusing antidotes printed out to hand out to interested people. Make sure they are fun, mention that the Libertarians are not stupid like these elected people are, and that we want everyone to be free. Many copier stores offer high quality printing if your home setup doesn't have the high quality. If you can't make it look top shelf it may detract from the message. This is a key in all printing, if it looks cheap or has a hard to read font or is too light because your printer toner is going out go somewhere else to print, or get a fresh toner. Don't put out substandard work. Spell check and proof read every time and run it through an automatic program to do the same. Perfect is perfect, everything else is not.

4. Leave a copy of the jokes, and antidotes, in the doctor's office waiting room, or dentist office waiting room. Leave some posted on public bulletin boards or the local coffee shop as different reading source from the local Socialist Collectivist garbage available on newsprint.

5. Be creative in your humor, be thoughtful of what the message is. Try to refresh your messages or get new material regularly. Waco and Ruby Ridge are important, but humor can not be found there.

6. Make sure you cite where the information came from so someone whom is skeptical can check it out for himself or herself. Trust and truth are a cornerstone to sway opinion. Lies and deceit are what our enemy does.

7. Don't bash the person bash the bad ideas. Always take the High road, low humor has a limited appeal and will be removed from a perfect audience...children.

8. Don't put out anything or say anything that you would be ashamed to be associated with later. This should go without saying, but I want you to be successful in this endeavor and reminders are better than errors.

9. Be yourself, everyone can tell if you are acting. Bad acting can detract from the best message. We are truly all on stage and actors in a play, but it is easiest to be yourself.

10. Every social situation is an opportunity to meet others. These new found friends can become great advocates of Liberty like yourself. Exponential freedom is a great goal!

Now as you can see I have just glossed over the major points here. I want you, all of you, to mention to some acquaintance a humorous statement that makes them think of voting libertarian. In fact I want you to become a happy person in the long run by getting many people to laugh and throw out the bums, instead of crying and keeping them in office. I want to laugh so I don't cry.

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