L. Neil Smith's Letters to the EditorSend Letters to [email protected]
Regarding David Maraj's letter on Quebec's "colored margarine" law, I have to sadly inform him that Canada is only following the US's lead. From 1886 - 1943, colored margarine was banned or severely restricted in many of the US states as well. By 1902, "...32 states and 80% of the U.S. population lived under margarine color bans. While the Supreme Court upheld such bans, it did strike down forced coloration (pink) which had begun in an effort to get around the ban on yellow coloring. During this period coloring in the home began, with purveyors providing capsules of food coloring to be kneaded into the margarine. This practice continued through World War II." All of this was, of course, in response to lobbying by (guessed it yet?) the US dairy industry. http://www.margarine.org/historyofmargarine.html
William Westmiller This boils down to "you don't have rights unless you are aware and can
communicate them", "you don't have rights because you cannot enforce
them" close behind. An object lesson of selfish behavior and deceiving
excuses with moral ignorance. A lesson to teach society how to
energetically, catastrophically fail.
Computers can 'reason', they are not persons. They do not have a will.
Animals have wills and motives for life, liberty, and pursuit of
happiness such as reproduction and building happy homes. Animals want
to be held in loving esteem (and dominate, be the best!), and will
even suffer to maintain a consistent identity (unlike humans such as
Bill Clinton and Al Gore that glory in lies, I find dogs more
honorable and honestly consistent). Animals are not independent of
their environment. Animals are integral with the biosphere, as
'particles' are a kind of 'wave' that encompass all space and time, as
in QED theory. Animals are a vehicle to persist and propagate DNA, in
Earth's dynamic biosphere, which is made of particles. This is
profoundly significant (probably only to those on my wavelength,
And life is more than the strong, clever predator overpowering,
entrapping and devouring weak prey. Life is being aware of your
identity. Intelligent life is just and engineers a win-win situation -
not running a jungle, a deceptive, predatory, heads-I-win tails-you-
lose rat race.
Perhaps this is a meaning of the "Eden" account of creation, which
isn't exclusive to Christianity. The tree of knowledge is moral
knowledge - that of justice and equity. We are blameless until we
realize our independent identity, our shame, over our primal drives
that overpower our weak will to consistently adhere to our ideals.
Then we lie with excuses to ourselves and others, till its unconscious
habit. Intelligent life must engineer symbiotic societies,
relationships that honor rights, even of the weak and ignorant, rather
than predator-prey relationships that dominate and degrade with force
and deception. Actions teach behavior and motives, excuses teach
Loving others as self - treating other as you would be, because you
are intelligent enough to understand you are no greater than they, and
they are equals to you. Humility that you didn't choose to be superior
to any other creature but for an accident of fate, or maybe some
unknown reason. So you will be as merciful to those you can devour as
you would have mercy from those with power over you, avoiding
unnecessary evil. This is justice - attributing equal rights/identity
to others.
If you would not be aborted, don't advocate aborting others. If you
would be aborted, I'm sure you can find some happy, morally ignorant
and viscous creature end our mutual moral misery by devouring you. But
what you advocate for others, I don't think you will have for
How can you say that? Rights define boundaries and dynamics of
interpersonal and group relationships! You cannot separate the
individual from the culture at large, no more than you can describe
our physical universe as collections of particles, discounting the
wave nature. This is the problem with the non-initiation of force
libertarian definitions. Like asking how many corners does a circle
have, the answer is 'mu' - the premise is wrong. I aspire to do unto
other as I would have done unto me, but in the context of space, time,
circumstance and society, to produce the best all-round outcome.
Mostly unconsciously as my environment kicks and chews my ass into a
minimum-pain state, and my mind figures out what the hell is
happening, the life process resulting in civilization thanks to
We participate in life tomorrow, by writing what we learn today, as
our cells give our consciousness tomorrows, though most have died &
been replaced within seven years or so, our memory and identity
transcend brief, simple cell lives. Even without literacy, our lives,
the intentions, motives and strength that mold them, for good and ill,
are self consistent entangling threads of influence whose outcome we
are ignorant (some of us hopeful!) of. Or perhaps Hawking is right and
the universe is a complex-time object without beginning or end,
causality, the arrow of time - is an illusion of our awareness. But
who really knows?
But they do! The law of the jungle says might makes right.
Civilization and religion is about loving your neighbor for mutual
benefit, and deferring gratification, and manifesting a social,
honorable, wise identity. Now these ways and means are certainly in
conflict, and conflict is a dynamic force balance process driving
identity evolution, predation and symbiosis defining boundaries.
Deception is force in 'intelligent' information processing systems
(minds) affected by perception, beliefs and presumption. Information
affects quantum systems. Prophecy can self-fulfill!"
You don't want them to conflict, you want them to be consistent. And
they are consistent - like the chaotic interface of oil and water! We
are in a most deliberately confusing dogfight! And it not enough to be
deceived by our competitors, we have to habitually deceive ourselves
to, its reinforced by relief from shame and pleasure of ignorantly
dominating and exploitation of the weak and stupid, the different and
vulnerable. And the separate wills which are defined by forces between
differences of other wills, Escher-like voids, which would cause a
counterproductive influence, perhaps even collapse (therefore by
definition be unknowable!) while remaining independent even if known,
who can say, other than 'we war against spirit, not flesh'?
A fetus is not a cancer or pimple, to be hacked off for selfish gain.
Again I invoke the just moral metric of asking the reader to consider
if they were that fetus, under what circumstance would you forgive
your mother for aborting you? You can hardly comprehend losing life
you've lived, but try to imagine under what circumstance would, you as
a child, forgive your mother for turning you over to a highly trained,
highly paid, and highly esteemed doctor to be hacked apart with sharp
knives and sucked up into a vacuum cleaner? (sorry for the extremism,
I couldn't resist 8^)
If my mother was going to die from complications, if she was pursued
by predators I would understand. If she would resent me, hate me,
ruining both our lives, yea, I would rather be aborted for both our
sakes. If I knew I would be hideously deformed, I would rather be
aborted. Especially if I realized I was hated because of a rape, and
would in turn amplify and reflect misery back into society.
But I must say some religious traditions hold (see Sermon On Mount,
et.) that there is value even for suffering a miserable life, because
somebody has to. Not merely for the sake of misery, but because nature
creates randomly, so like Edison failing thousands of times, all the
failure was the price to pay for success. It is man's misery (and
glory!) to pay this price, what more can we do for God? Forgive or
have mercy on a fool, yet not a predator!
But popular Christian teaching is God made a perfect world with a
perfect plan (even a personal perfect plan for you, which you screwed
up though!), and if we weren't such fools we would have perfect bliss.
Sounds like the clergy want us to feel guilty so we wont scream too
loud when they screw us. I don't buy it. But who am I to say?
Now what about the fools that are irresponsible and want multiple
abortions because they won't practice birth control? What about those
(as in China) that want a male and abort females? What about farming
body parts? Its not murder 1, but its not a misdemeanor if only due to
social implications, the cheapening of life. You cheapen that fetus'
life, you cheapen my life.
Now if you cheapen my life, when the social security pyramid scam
crashes and the worthless paper money can't buy enough cosmetics for
the ruling elite, they will encourage me to choose euthanasia in my
old age. I suppose I should sit passively by while predators sharpen
knives and drool in anticipation of devouring my ass! Perhaps I'm
paranoid, but it is not my unique observation that our culture is
rotting, not from design but by neglect, the morally weak taking the
path of least resistance, which inevitably leads to a great deal of
I would prefer to be in a perfect world too. I think my God wants me
to work to make it perfect (provided predators don't presume my
goodwill to subvert my efforts to their evil predatory ends!). Others
say God blames them for making it imperfect, and they learn to blame,
degrade and condemn others. Atheist liberals tell others nothing
matters while degrading and devouring others as if they are most
important predators in the jungle.
If only aliens would pity Mother Earth and fly over and abort all the
evil, murdering selfish snobs out of the earths atmosphere into space!
Who said there's a right to dependently breath the Earth's air? Or
Jesus would return to judge certain 'Christian' hypocrites with the
same measure they judge by, and mete unto them with the measure they
mete out! Excuses abound with desire, whatever the ideology!
I have no idea what the "correct" libertarian position on abortion should be. Nor do I care any longer. Fools like Mr. Antle have finally convinced me that libertarians are better used as entertainment than a serious philosophical force for the future of humanity. They are certainly not serious advocates of freedom. Rights emanate from the fact of sapience. It does not matter if the sapient in question is a human being, an uplifted chimpanzee, or an arachnoid female from the planet Bz*?bplyx. If it can demonstrate sapience, it has rights. Otherwise it is property. Humans are a neotonous species and a human fetus does not pass the sapience test. That means it has no rights. At best, a fetus -- even right after partuition -- has the cognitive power of a dog or a cat. Maybe, if we stretch the evidence far enough, some abilities are equivalent to those of a monkey. The so-called pro-life position is no more than a variation of the notion known as "animal rights." It is no more morally persuasive than the argument that, "a man is a boy is a dog is rat." Pro-lifers (pro- birthers is more accurate) just add "is a fetus" to the end of an already asinine sophmorism.
In a recent political debate with a "liberal" friend of mine, I found the answer to the great abortion debate. I was shocked to find the answer in a 200 plus year old document. The Declaration of Independence. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The debates of when is "life", "life" and when does a person have "rights" has been staring all of us in the face for so long we appear now to be blind to it. It does not say all men are BORN equal, it says CREATED equal. Creation and birth are two separated events. Upon a persons creation, we may not deprive them of their life. I understand that, in some rare cases, the creation of a life may pose a threat, biologically, to the mother or that certain gene defects or diseases like German measles, may cause the life to become non viable, in which abortion is necessary. These cases are few and far between, where as todays wholesale slaughter of unborn children in todays world is not. I did not invent the document, but like the non aggression principle, it is one that I must follow as a Libertarian.
Bennett's Proper Attire In TLE #167, Gentleman L. Neil Smith, with whom I agree 97.63% of the time -- give or take 2% -- explained William Bennett's history and leanings as follows: "Bennett fathered the Clinton-Dole semiautomatic weapons ban and most of the recent Republican aversion to self-defense. ... applauded the FBI at Ruby Ridge and Waco...putting together an organization for the specific purpose of stifling dissent on the part of anyone who thinks -- and, more importantly, says or writes -- that this War on Everything of his and Bush's isn't the greatest thing since omelettes made from broken eggs." Mr. Smith then went on to discuss various possibilities for the appropriate attire for such a miscreant, but he left the most obvious one up to the reader -- and in case someone else fails to send this statement into TLE for publication, please allow me: Anyone wielding the weight of government power in America to precipitate such social evils into our society would look best when dressed in nothing more than one sturdy piece of ROPE. As a necktie, Bill.
Dear Editor, The propertarian perspective on the abortion issue is very simple. For some time, now, I've had a notion that if more people would embrace this view it would rapidly lead to a set of technological fixes to the abortion controversy. People are people, no matter how small. There is no objective basis for me to say, "He's a person, whereas this one is not." All the things you can cite for a person, such as personality, irritability, response to environment, can be established for a fetus or embryo. It is foolish, dehumanizing, and a bad precedent to ordain that something besides the presence of living genetically human tissue constitutes a person. Concentration camps are the end result of that line of "reasoning." Trespass, on the other hand, is a clear violation of private property. A propertarian has to be concerned with defense of property, because property is the same thing as life and liberty. A woman is the first owner of her womb. If someone or something is trespassing there, it is her freedom to evict that trespasser at her option that is at stake. Even an invited guest can be asked to leave by a property owner; refusal to leave becomes trespass. In defense of private property, up to and including deadly force may be justified. Otherwise, rapists thrive and victims suffer. There is no objective basis for differentiating between an unwanted penis in a woman's womb and any other mass of unwanted human tissue in there. Each woman is absolutely free to put anything in her body she wants, including poison, and to remove anything from her body she doesn't want. Period. The technological fixes involve: alternatives to the resolution of trespass which don't require justifiable homicide. Killing a trespasser is a possible solution. So is making the trespasser leave, with only the threat of force. So, if the objective of the woman is an empty womb, that could be satisfied with:
If one insists that the embryo or fetus is a separate entity, and not the private property of the mother, then the interests of this entity deserve some consideration. Let those who seek to limit the amount of abortion activity pay for the transplant, artificial womb, care, and upbringing of these unwanted children. The availability of an alternative to killing the embryo or fetus should bring some relief to mothers who are doubtful about their willingness to either bear to term or have an abortion. As an aside, the limited availability of willing host mothers could be resolved with the use of male hosts. I would be pleased to see many of these male enthusiasts of the anti-abortion position take up the task of carrying a baby to term. So long as the pro-choice crowd insists that it can tell whether or not a mass of genetically human tissue is a person, and so long as the anti-abortion crowd insists that mothers should have no choice but be slaves to the fetal tissue in their wombs, there will be no useful resolution to this issue. Making abortion illegal cannot make it go away, it can only make it more harmful to those involved. Just as it is wrong to discriminate against a child because of her age, size, or knowledge, it is wrong to discriminate against a fetus or embryo on the same basis. If we are to be expected to respect the life and property of the fetus, we owe the same respect to the mother. And, until there are motivated people free to develop new technologies to solve age-old problems like abortion, these problems won't go away. The only beneficiaries of such perversity are the politicians who thrive on the persistence of problems, and the bureau-rats who get paid for not solving them. Regards,
Dear Mr. Taylor Dennis Hazen, a 57-year-old construction worker from High Prairie, Alberta, Canada, has been charged with buying four walleye illegaly from an undercover conservation officer. As a result, he has been fined $3,000. Mr. Hazen--who is awaiting trial--stated flatly that he was a victim of entrapment, because the undercover agent approached him with the fish, and proceeded to plead with him to purchase then for $20. An irate Hazen has told the Canadian press that he would rather go to jail than pay the fine. The object of his anger is Operation Pisces, a two-year sting operation by the Alberta Resources Development Department. If any of you out there are ever in High Prairie, Alberta, remember to be aware of the dreaded fish police. David Maraj [[email protected]]
A must-read article by the current president of Citizens Of America: Terrorism Against Gun Owners,
"Hundreds of thousands of Americans -- perhaps millions -- faced with ongoing state-sponsored terrorism against gun ownership, believe that they will never regain the free exercise of their right to own, carry, and use firearms unless many leading anti-gun politicians and activists are killed. In human terms, this is perfectly understandable. In fact it is absolutely logical." Read the full article:
Citizens Of America [[email protected]]
Is America becoming a police state? Friends of liberty need to know. Some say the U.S. is already a police state. Others watch the news for signs that their country is about to cross an indefinable line. Since September 11, 2001, the question has become more urgent. When do roving wiretaps, random checkpoints, mysterious "detentions," and military tribunals cross over from being emergency measures to being the tools of a government permanently and irrevocably out of control? The State vs. the People examines these crucial issues. But first, it answers this fundamental question: "What is a police state?" Order from JPFO NOW!