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L. Neil Smith's
Number 168, April 8, 2002
Round Two

Tax Protest Day

by Corey Langeslay
[email protected]

Exclusive to TLE

On April 15th we have an opportunity again to show the over taxation of the people and the tyranny of social programs. A perfect time to get the message out. When most are disillusioned with the current tax rate and laws. Many protest groups within the party and independent groups hold protest on tax day at the post offices nation wide. They get on television and get a "sound bite" for the effort. But they also are seen and people smile! Yes, people love it when you protest the most disliked part of the Government.

Golden opportunities to protest and make friends are rare. Tax day is one day where almost everyone is your friend. The picket signs are easy! "Taxation is Slavery", "Dollars for Deadbeats", "Infernal Revenue Service", many others could just as easily be made and carried. Put one in your yard, hang one on your car. Get a costume, go out and protest the vile IRS. People love to be alike, tell them to vote with you, vote against taxes, vote Libertarian and our taxes will go down! Some groups hand out million dollar bills, others fake tax forms, some hand out $1 bills, some wear costumes of the Statue of Liberty, (Mainly burley men with beards, but that�s the best kind!) One group hired a dozen bikini clad women to pass out protest leaflets, you can bet that they got attention on the evening news!

Some read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence dressed as Benjamin Franklin aloud to the crowds to remind them of the injustice that tyranny puts upon men. The power of tax day to give a voice nationally and publicly can not be under estimated. Few of us will get the press and news coverage as we could get on that day just by being creative. It could catapult us to the national spotlight. (Remember Soy Bomb?)

The best part of protest on this day is its infamy, because it represents everything people don�t want from their government. If you read aloud some of the silly programs the money is being spent on. Tell everyone aloud or on paper about the waste, the abuse, the influence, the corruption. Taxes are not liked, giving options to the people of Libertarian candidates that will cut taxes and remove regulation is the only way to tax freedom. Smile for the news cameras, be nice to them, and thank them for talking to you. If you want to be successful use the public forum to expose the fallacy of justified taxation of private property and how it is really damaging to the freedom of us all. It wouldn�t hurt to put easily remembered web pages on T-shirts while you protest, or give them away. Hand out business cards with web sites of Libertarian groups like TLE and L. Neil Smith. Try to get others to help, or if you are lucky some candidate for public office may be there to capitalize on the event and you can shout out questions for them to answer about where they stand on the issue of Bill of Rights Enforcement!

A major item is do not turn down an interview, and don�t forget to mention the Libertarian Party. Quick sound bites are, "We believe in freedom", "We want Bill of Rights Enforcement", "We are getting Taxation without Representation", "Smaller Government = Lower Taxes" or "Libertarian = Lower Taxes" you sell the ideas. At the big chain discount stores you can buy the "Window Chalk" to write on your car windows anti-IRS slogans. I like "Honk to protest Taxes!" on the back glass or side glass of your minivan or SUV. Also a favorite of mine is "Vote Libertarian to Save Mankind!" and get them thinking on what the other parties are doing to destroy mankind.

Tax protest day, it is a great day to be out in public and waving the banner of Liberty.

Corey Langeslay is a Libertarian that left the lakes and rivers of Minnesota and moved to Central Texas and works hard at converting the masses from Socialists drones to freethinking Libertarians. Writes essays about humor and freedom, and generally tries to live free in any way he can. He has dogs, cats and a wife that for some unknown reason love him anyway. You can e-mail him at [email protected].

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