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L. Neil Smith's
Number 173, May 13, 2002

Hoping I’ve Made "The List"

by Corey Langeslay
[email protected]

Exclusive to TLE

I was jauntily writing a little freedom message today and took a second to read a nice little article by a libertarian author on TLE that happened to mention L. Neil Smith. I was struck after a few moments that I might have made the "Federal List" of people who cause trouble for the government. It made me smile. I have a sneaking suspicion that the sneaks in our Federal behemoth track anyone bold enough to be a Libertarian and write articles on the Internet that point out how dangerous our Federal Government can be would be on a "Watch List". Hopefully I’m on the list because I am associated with a group that points out how they have killed citizens, violated sacred oaths, stolen property, and all around been violent criminals and I wholeheartedly agree. This is the premier list, the cream of the crop, the best of the best list to be on. What self-respecting fascist could resist cataloging my name along with anyone else that advocated Constitutionally limited government, and dismantling of the Nanny State. By far we are in a league of dissent that won’t permit our being overlooked by anyone. Since we are out every day pointing and saying King George, the emperor has no clothes. We speak of truth, justice, due process, freedom, destruction of tyranny and just plain common sense, these things make Libertarians a threat. But the Libertarians that say it, write it, and act upon it, those people make "The List".

What use could a list like this be? You could round 'em up when you need to. You could make things difficult for them if you wanted. You could do any of the things you already do just focus upon the dissenters among the many. So what defense do we have? Obviously we have all lost the protection of the Constitution. We no longer have the just and honest leadership and Government. We have still a voice, and a finger to point, and we will still teach the children that their birthright is freedom. Our voice, our pen, our keyboard, our ability to frame ideas with logic, these weapons can not be controlled. The attempt to control thought and speech is folly. The attempt to control logic is doomed to fail. I have faith in freedom, because it is it’s own reward. You will seek it because it pays for itself, you will talk about it because it is so important it cannot be overlooked. Success is it’s own reward in our endeavor. I wish more of our fellows would get "Listed".

The list is a part of their fear. They fear us because we represent personal responsibility. If you take away the Government it is up to the individual to succeed or fail. That fear of personal destiny causes the Socialists and Fascists to attempt to control our actions. They don’t understand the end result is better for everyone with freedom. So they list us, they brand us, they make us sound uncaring, or pretend "all they care about is pot and taxes". The list of names represents their fear of being wrong and their fear of the light of truth and the fear of allowing people to act as they choose as long as they harm no one. No amount of logic will sway most of them. It does not matter how well researched and truthful your arguments may be, many are stuck with what they are told by the media what to think. Victory is not acquired by hiding and hoping for change. Victory is by risk, by fighting, and by domination of your ideas.

I love watching the scramble as Republicans are trying to tell us George is lowering our taxes, but can’t tell us any of the ways he has cut the size of government. They were supposed to be the party of smaller government. They will never be on the list.

I love watching the Democrats tell people they are going to help them have a better life, then you find that they have supported government financed slums in so-called "public housing" and people have never been helped to a better life, only allowed to exist in squalor and poverty. They will never be on the list.

Their solutions are hollow, they’re a crusty shell with no middle. The do not stand for anything but more government, taxes, spending, servitude, the ever grasping hand of control. They will never be on the list.

On the list are all the people that stand against the current system of unconstitutional government. On the list are those that speak out against socialism. The people on the list are those that think Ruby Ridge and Waco are crimes against humanity. The list is filled with peaceful freedom loving people that just want to be left out of the "big plan" of centralized government control. On the list are those that think it’s perfectly fine to carry a gun whenever and wherever you want, because it is never up to anyone else to protect you. So after a few articles on TLE, I hope I have shown, I deserve to be on the list. Pretty soon Libertarians will be asking each other, "Did you make The List?"


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