L. Neil Smith's THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 181, July 8, 2002 WHAT FREEDOMS ARE LEFT? LibBits Send to [email protected] VA. POLICE TO TEST FACE SOFTWARE VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) - If you're a criminal, a runaway or a terrorist, a day at the beach here may soon be anything but that. The city will become the second in the nation -- Tampa, Fla., is the
other -- to employ facial-recognition software to assist police in
identifying and catching criminals and missing persons.
"If you go to the ocean I don't think you should have an expectation of privacy," said Fuller. "You give up part of your privacy when you venture out into the public domain." Some tourists walking along the resort strip Wednesday said they think the system is a good idea. "It's for our protection. If you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about," said Bonnie Satterlee, 39, of Johnstown, Penn. WAL-MART OFFERS STIFF GUN SALES POLICY LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- Wal-Mart, the nation's largest gun seller, has
implemented a rule requiring customers to be approved in a background
check before they can buy rifles and shotguns, in a policy that
exceeds federal guidelines and represents a victory for gun-safety
"While we're presently not considering a boycott of Wal-Mart ... we're not going to say there is not going to be any action," he said.
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