L. Neil Smith's
Number 190, September 16, 2002


The Evil Ones
by Jim Duensing
[email protected]

Special to TLE

George Bush said the evil ones attacked freedom on September 11th.

One year ago today, two planes flew into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, killing three thousand people. There was an explosion at the Pentagon and a plane full of passengers on flight 93 went down over Pennsylvania.

Even cursory study of the subject reveals that the resentment towards America in most of the Muslim world was not caused by Americans going to shopping malls or watching morally depraved television programs. Imagine convincing persons who are supposed to have frequented strip joints to commit suicide because Americans are too licentious.

It is more plausible, in fact it is quite probable, that most of the Muslim world despises America because the American government sponsors coup-de-tats and struggling despots in order to get better oil prices or to temporarily achieve a slightly more favorable diplomatic agreement with any particular country. In one particular case, the United States government funded an extremist firebrand with a talent for recruiting young Muslim males who is blamed for creating a globalist terrorist network which attacked the Twin Towers and the Pentagon one year ago today.

And, George Bush said the evil ones attacked freedom on September 11th.

Since September 11th, the government has indefinitely incarcerated people without having ever charged them. The imprisoned are not allowed to talk to counsel or even to have their names known to a candid world. The Bush administration defends this practice because it claims without a whiff of proof that those held are "enemy combatants" in an undeclared war.

And, George Bush said the evil ones attacked freedom on September 11th.

Since September 11th, governmental agencies have conducted secret searches of anyone suspected of being associated with alleged terrorists. In these searches, search warrants are obtained in secret and the person it should be served upon never even knows his privacy has been violated.

And, George Bush said the evil ones attacked freedom on September 11th.

Since September 11th, federal troops and mindless federal employees have been desensitizing the American public to the loss of their freedom by conducting ineffective and needlessly invasive searches in every airport, leaving pilots and passengers unable to arm themselves in the defense of themselves and a nation.

And, George Bush said the evil ones attacked freedom on September 11th.

Since September 11th, George Bush has created an American version of the East German Stasi called TIPS. In East Germany, comrades who did not inform on their neighbor fit the dissident profile. Because of this, many false tips were given to the Stasi simply so that the informant would not be considered a dissident. Bush's version has volunteer members spying on their neighbors looking for politically, culturally, or religiously unpopular activities or beliefs.

And, George Bush said the evil ones attacked freedom on September 11th.

Since September 11th, undercover FBI agents have been sent to spy on religiously and politically unpopular groups under the theory that persons with weird or extreme beliefs are potential terrorists.

And, George Bush said the evil ones attacked freedom on September 11th.

Since September 11th, new recruits to the FBI have been told that Samuel Adams' and Thomas Jefferson's actions and orations in defense of unalienable rights earn the founding fathers the distinction of being the first enemy of the War With Terror.

And, George Bush said the evil ones attacked freedom on September 11th.


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