IN THIS ISSUE: Federal Law, Constitution, and Economics laid bare.
Letters To The Editor
from Jeff Colonnesi, Carl Bussjaeger, Jack Jerome,
E.J. Totty, Dr. Khalil Ahmad, Ted Maitlin, John Lopez, Carl E. Mullin,
Dennis Kabaczy, L. Neil Smith, John P. Slevin, Wendy Stone, Bob Lallier,
and Warren Tilson:
Dis-Mything 9-11 Part 2: Is The USA Patriot Act Patriotic?
by L. Reichard White
In the last Dis-mything column, delicately entitled Protected My Ass,
we ended with a couple questions:
Review: CRASHMAKER: A Federal Affaire
by James J Odle
The FED is what is known as a quasi-government agency. Half of its
members are appointed by the member banks, the other half by the
President. The President also appoints the Chairman of the Board of
Governors with the approval of Congress. The Chairman is not directly
answerable to the President; i.e. the President cannot fire him. The
President can decide whether or not to reappoint a Chairman once his
term is up. The FED is supposed to manage the nation's monetary
affairs for the good of the nation regardless of what the politicians
and political parties want. The FED is setup this way in order to
insulate it to some extent from the politics of Congress and the
ruling political party.
Constitution Day, Just What Was There To Celebrate?
by Dennis Kabaczy
September 17, we are informed, is the day we should celebrate the
writing of our Glorious Constitution. This constitution, we are told,
saved the new republic from the near anarchy of the inefficient
Articles of Confederation. Without this constitution, war debts
wouldn't have been paid, taxes couldn't have been raised, armies
couldn't have been raised, and we would have had 13 (at that time)
separate independent though interrelated governments.
Dirty Dealings Kill Men's Panel
by Wendy McElroy
On May 18 of this year, New Hampshire established the first state-
level commission on the status of men in the United States. Nearly
every state has a commission on women; the New Hampshire Commission on
the Status of Men was to be a unique, perhaps precedent-setting panel.
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