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![]() L. Neil Smith's THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 192, September 30, 2002 "MY HYPOCRISY KNOWS NO BOUNDS" ![]() Send Letters to [email protected]
Letter from Scott "Shu'al" Campanaro BAD CHOICES Do we continue to vote? Should LP candidates accept the matching funds? Good questions. No good answers. If we do not vote we are, by default, voting for the winner. As has been mentioned, abstain isn't an option on the ballot. If we vote, then we are likely voting for the smaller evil. Hmmmm, 5'1" evil or 5'0" evil, decisions, decisions. Matching funds? Take 'em. Spend it to get elected. This is the system in place! If you don't plan on using the "shoot them" option, you're going to have to use the ballot boxes. This system isn't going to get fixed from the gallery, it has to be fixed from the floor (or a trench). To use the floor, one must first be elected. If using the system in place to make changes to the system is morally wrong, then we should no longer be using the system at all. This pretty much leaves revolution as the only option, because there is no other way to opt out. Curtis Handsaker [[email protected]] Hello TLE, I am writing to add my $2 (used to be 2 cents -- ahh Da' Fed). Regarding Mr. Martins excellent article "Come the Revolution? What Revolution?" I found Mr. Martin's article to be spot on. I look around and see most everyone whom I know and work with to be committed to being "good" slaves... even most Libertarians and Patriots. I guess they think if they don't piss-off 'Massa' they will be left alone -- while maintaining their position on the moral high ground by refusing the promotion to "House Nigger" I always kinda' figured I was going to be on a list anyway as I have always (since 8 or 9 years old) had an absolute and visceral response to Bullies... a clear and direct response. By being involved and organizing various Libertarian and Patriot groups I ensure that I can't kid myself into thinking that I will be passed over in the first sweeps and assassinations. That in mind, with my natural Hillbilly aptitude for fighting authority (See: "Sgt. York" and replace pacifist-fundamentalism with Libertarian-Mormon), I figure 'they' better send a bunch of JBT's -- and one day they probably will. I live as off the books as I can and still not get into a gunfight every 15 minutes. Examples:
These are some of the things that I do... there are others... but they
are "super-secret" and tailored to my particular needs and environment
... This isn't because I am so cool (I am -- trust me) -- it is to show you what anyone can do... if they CHOOSE to... You must Choose to live free -- Will You Choose to Live FREE? Well, we will see. Others have. Maybe not ones I would agree with -- ones I would respect. People like the Weavers, Gordon Kahl, Carl Drega, David Koresh and his church members, and, literally, hundreds of others who have already given their lives for Liberty... the Revolution is here and it is being fought piecemeal without organization and by amateurs... but fought none the less. I don't live my life in fear. I live it prepared to deal with evil whenever it should cross my path. I don't go to JBT's homes and threaten them. If a bunch of hammerheads in ninja garb wearing masks and carrying suppressed sub-guns comes to my house I will fight... I might win or I might not -- if I don't I can only promise you that I will pass through the veil with a smile -- knowing that I have lived free... also that there will be a dozen or so fewer JBT's to threaten you. I would prefer to live under my vine and fig tree and be left alone... but not at the price of slavery... never. There are things (like freedom, liberty, and justice) which are worth dying or killing for... if you don't know that or don't believe that then I would suggest you examine yourself to see why that is -- because not respecting yourself enough to live free is weird and pathological. Ad Libertas -- Sic Semper Tyrannis
PS -- here is a copy of the document that I DO have posted on my gate and front door. Also at Patriot/Libertarian meetings I use this modified Pledge (thanks to Aaron Zelman and all at JPFO for the basic pledge) instead of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Feel free to duplicate as needed and USE 'em. Enjoy and remember today is no rehearsal for tomorrow it is TODAY... live it! Here you go: * * *
YOUR PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO Amendments II, IV, IX, & X. (ATTACHED) ALL AGENTS OF THE STATE WILL CLEARLY IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AND BE DRESSED IN BUSINESS ATTIRE. THEY WILL APROACH SLOWLY AND WITH THEIR HANDS IN PLAIN VIEW. WARRANTS WILL BE REVIEWED BY MY LAWYER AND I WILL THEN DECIDE IF YOU MAY PROCEED, YOU WILL WAIT POLITELY AT MY GATE UNTIL THIS DETERMINATION IS MADE. ANY DEVIANCE FROM THIS PROCEDURE AND I WILL ASSUME THAT YOU ARE NOT LAWFUL VISTORS BUT RATHER AGGRESSORS AND YOU WILL BE DEALT WITH SUMMARILY. Amendment II - A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Amendment IV - The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Amendment IX - The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Amendment X - The powers not delegated to the United States by the
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the
States respectively, or to the people.
I, (your name), pledge upon my sacred honor that I will enforce the Bill of Rights, and that I will defend our Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic. As the Bill the Rights is our fortress against tyranny and oppression, I will always fight against tyrants and for justice. As the Bill of Rights affirms our liberties, I will set the example and live free. As the Bill of Rights enumerates the rights inborn to all humanity, I will defend the freedoms of future generations. I pledge my life, my words, and my daily deeds, to honor and enforce all of the Bill of Rights for all Peoples. I pledge, by my ancestors' sacrifices, my Life, my fortune, & my Sacred Honor that I will give the enemies of Liberty, Freedom, & Justice my "Teeth & Claws"! THE CONSTITUTION & THE BILL OF RIGHTS... Forever -- No Compromise, No Surrender! Scott "Shu'al" Campanaro [[email protected]] THE STATE VS. THE PEOPLE -- THE BOOK I'm sure I'm well behind the curve here at TLE, but I just bought The State vs. The People: The Rise of the American Police State by Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman. Since receiving it, I have managed to read almost all of the book. (It's been about a day and a half.) I must admit that I am thoroughly enjoying this book and I learn many new facts with every chapter I finish. If you are like me and are not fully stocked on all the latest and greatest Libertarian books, and you don't already have this book, BUY THIS BOOK! You will not regret the purchase. Derek Benner [[email protected]] RE: CONSTITUTION DAY ARTICLE IN TLE
Guess again, Dennis. In colonial times, particularly pre-revolution, there were two big reasons for quartering troops in private homes. First was the financial aspect -- why pay out of the treasury for upkeep when you can force the residents these soldiers are supposedly 'guarding' to do it for you? But second was the observational aspect -- you can't exactly invite your friends over to plan the Boston Tea Party when there are three redcoats (law enforcement agents) sleeping in your living room and drinking your beer. I submit to you that this was the true intent and spirit behind the Third Amendment. While there isn't a cop in every living room these days, I submit there may as well be. From publicly available data mining, to hi-tech surveillance equipment, to liberal education 'professionals' skilled in interrogating and indoctrinating your children, to the obscene provisions of USA PATRIOT, you can be put under a microscope in a New York minute given the least excuse. Or even no excuse. In the hands of incompetents (which describes just about every law enforcement agency outside of the Pennsylvania State Police or the Texas Rangers) or ideological zealots (which describes Ashcroft and every federal TLA in the book) this level of power is truly frightening. Richard Jewell should be remembered, though not venerated, as a victim of your typical, garden-variety, federal law-enforcement cluster-fuck that sets the standard far below even my expectations. Unfortunately, as we have seen, he is not the last. We are about a RCH away from a true police state. When a Houston PD captain can get away, at least in the short term, with issuing an order to "arrest everyone, let God sort them out" without himself being arrested or shot (preferably by an annoyed and armed citizen), you're a good portion of the way there. When the Denver Police Department can get away with calling the Libertarian Party a "militia" and add them to a database of subversive organizations, you really don't have much further left to go. When an prejudiced bubble-headed bimbo can close Alligator Alley and incite law enforcement to make up a story about running a toll booth to provide "probable cause" (a meaningless term these days), that's pretty much it. Frank Ney [[email protected]] * * * Mr. Ney: I did say "maybe". I agree with you on our loss of privacy, and the government's disregard of the constitution. We as a society put up with a much more intrusive, dictatorial government than what the Founders did. Our differences are more on form rather than substance. The high tech surveillance, I view as a violation of Amendment 4. The education fiasco is a violation of Amendment 10. The bottom line is our Bill of Rights has been shredded, and unless or until we can get honorable people into positions of government, it will continue to be so. The question is, at what point do we say enough is enough? Dennis Kabaczy [[email protected]] NRA'S "GOOD FRIEND" SUPPORTS L.A. RIFLE BAN NRA's "good friend of the Second Amendment" Calls for .50 Caliber Rifle Ban in Los Angeles Says, " There is no reason for anyone to own a .50 cal weapon." If this gun banning politician is "a good friend of the Second Amendment," what does an enemy look like? Angel Shamaya [[email protected]] FreePakistan Newsletter highlights the activities of Libertarians in Pakistan and co-ordinates their work with that of Libertarians abroad. Its vision is a free and prosperous Pakistan; for only such a Pakistan can contribute positively to the creation of a free and prosperous world. To this end, FreePakistan favors a Free Market Economy, Limited Constitutional Government, Sanctity of Private Property, and Inviolability of Individual Freedoms. To subscribe to FreePakistan Newsletter, go to http://www.topica.com/lists/FreePakistan or send a blank email to the following address: [email protected]. Reply to the confirmation message, and you will be added to the list. In case of any problem, contact me at [email protected] Dr. Khalil Ahmad [[email protected]]
RE: BIRDMAN'S WEEKLY LETTER #203 Dear John Taylor, After reading the Birdman's letter below [see article in this issue -- ed.], I must inform you that you lose (in case you're keeping track). Not only do you lose in the logic department, you also lose in the testosterone department. Your failure to contact John Bryant so he could respond, as well as your failure either mention his real name, his moniker,or his website URL proves to the world that you are a typical Libertoonian Yap Dog (LYD). But hey, don't feel too badly about it, there's always hope (I am an ex-Libertarian -- I guarantee you, there is always hope!). So, why don't you attempt to grow a pair today? Regards,
* * * Birdman: Re: John Taylor and his comments about you; cc to Taylor, just for fun: 1) I must wonder which of your ideas are so gosh darned dangerous that Taylor could not bring himself to give your website URL? What country is this? The Soviet Union -- under [part-Yid] Lenin? 2) Why does Taylor use Yiddish words in his essay, e.g. "schlemiel?" Is he a Yid? A kike? A hebe? One of God's Special Shiny Pets? Chosen? A sheenie? A yahoodi? There would be no answers to these complex questions as darkness closed in around the campfire...indeed, the only sound that could be heard was two skinny libertarians jerking off to [Jewess] Ayn Rand literature..."oh....my Gooodddd..." said Jacob Weinberg, as Seth Silverstein jerked his shaft furiously, no fluid appearing from his limp wanker....hehehehh J Colson [[email protected]]
Is America becoming a police state? Friends of liberty need to know. Some say the U.S. is already a police state. Others watch the news for signs that their country is about to cross an indefinable line. Since September 11, 2001, the question has become more urgent. When do roving wiretaps, random checkpoints, mysterious "detentions," and military tribunals cross over from being emergency measures to being the tools of a government permanently and irrevocably out of control? The State vs. the People examines these crucial issues. But first, it answers this fundamental question: "What is a police state?" Order from JPFO NOW!
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