Garbage In, Garbage Out

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

[click to enlarge]
New Government Emblem

by [Unknown]

Number 203, December 16, 2002


Free State 
Free State Project

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Letters To The Editor
Letters from Bill St. Clair, Brian Gross, Jeffrey Schwartz, Mimbreno Chiracahua, David Maharaj, Rob Bass, Bill Westmiller, Carl Bussjaeger, and Rick & Kathy:

Obstructing Justice?
by Carl Bussjaeger
Dubya epitomizes the old saw about lying and politicians' moving lips. This continuing war - please note that the US and UK never did stop bombing Iraq (in a no-fly zone police action never authorized by the UN) after the supposed end of the 1991 Gulf War - has more to due with hawkish arm flexing, oil, and Bush family pride than security or justice.

Garbage In, Garbage Out
by William Stone, III
A number of things are operating to our advantage in our fight against the would-be slaveholders of the 21st century -- particularly the ones holed up in Washington, D.C. As I've written previously, the primary weapon being used by our enemies is the "American KGB" (the correct Russian translation of "Homeland Security"). One of the weapons wielded by the American KGB is the Total Information Awareness (TIA) program, which the KGB envisions to be the "permanent record" with which your grade-school principle threatened you.

I Am a Gun Owner
by Carl Bussjaeger
Despite the supposed win for armed pilots contained in the Homeland Security Act (I guess something in all those hundreds of pages had to be less than grotesque), the individual right to keep and bear arms is still in trouble. Thanks to the mainstream media, too darned many Americans can only see gun owners as bare-pated white supremacists, camouflaged militia nutcases, evil "DC snipers," or just everyday, run-of-the-mill criminals.

Affirmative Action Insults Immigrant Contributions
by Wendy McElroy
The crossfire of commentary about the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to review affirmative action makes one thing clear. The Left thinks it owns the concepts of "justice," "equality," and "freedom." Those who oppose affirmative action are dismissed as "just not getting it." The truth is, we understand these concepts too well.

Freedom's Most Dangerous Enemy
by Michael Ferguson
Our freedoms in America are under attack. There is no question about that. Politicians in Washington D.C. have been telling us about the danger we are in for over a year now as part of the government's effort to ram "homeland security" proposals through the legislative process. The most frightening aspect of our current crisis is that our freedoms are not in peril because of Al Queda or Osama Bin Laden, but that our freedoms are under assault because of George W. Bush and his administration, particularly John Ashcroft.

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