Under the Thumb of Municipal Socialism

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

It's Not About Oil!

by MoPaul

Number 215, March 17, 2003


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Letters To The Editor
Letters from Steve Trinward, Khalil Ahmad, William Stone III, Jeffrey Schwartz, Lehr Duquesne, Jack Jerome, Vin Suprynowicz, Caleb Paul, William "Bill" Goosby, Curt Howland, and Frank Ney:

Under the Thumb of Municipal Socialism
An Invitation from L. Neil Smith
It's one thing, I've discovered, to be a theoretical anarchist, and quite another to try to make the theory effective on an everyday basis.

The Phantom Menace
by William Stone, III
Every day, in increasingly shrill tones, the right wing of the Boot On Your Neck Party (otherwise known as the Republicans; left-wing "BOYNs" are Democrats) screech that starting a war with Iraq is the only answer to terrorism.

Public Schools: They Really Work!
by Chris Claypoole
People that claim that public schools aren't doing a good job have made the error of assuming that the schools' stated goals (education, in short) are the real ones. When public schools were first proposed in the 1800s, the debate in many state and local legislatures centered on the need to inculcate the ideals of good American citizenship in the children of immigrants. The fear of being overwhelmed by a tide of foreigners, different from "us" in their language, customs, religion, etc., is as old as the Republic. The mission of education was being carried out by a variety of private schooling choices, from individual tutors to schools set up by churches. But the immigrants often could not afford these choices, and the self-proclaimed "protectors of the American ideal" felt that these children would grow up to be disruptive to the common good. They might even vote for someone other than the aforementioned gentlemen.

How Public Schools Have Destroyed America
by Michael Baxter
The public school system in the United States is a major factor in the ongoing deterioration of our rights as enumerated under the Constitution. This continuing erosion of our Constitutional rights has been largely the result of a dearth of instruction or exploration of the history of this country in a meaningful sense, the teaching that the right to bear arms is inherently evil, and an emphasis on "dumbing down" the curriculum to produce a docile underclass.

Gun Freedom Now!
by Alexander Daube
Most gun owners are aware of the myriad gun-control laws which plague our nation and violate our Constitution. We are frustrated that more of these asinine laws continue to get passed every year. However, what most people don't know is that we can protect each other from these laws using a simple, traditional right that has been with us since our nation was founded.

Term Limits Serve as Brake and Ignition—not Cure-All
A Primer for Libertarian Skeptics

by Stacie Rumenap
Most establishmentarian-type politicians bitterly oppose term limits. That's because term limits curb the power of career politicians and open the door to a less power-hungry breed of representative.

A Woman to Replace Saddam
by Wendy McElroy
Reports are circulating that Bush intends to divide a post-Saddam Iraq into three sectors: north, south, and central. Two retired U.S. generals would separately administer the north and south while the central sector, including Baghdad, would be overseen by a woman: Barbara Bodine, a former ambassador to Yemen.

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