Attention Libertarian Writers

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

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"Coalition of the Willing"

by Russmo

Number 216, March 24, 2003

Shucks and Aw!

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Letters To The Editor
Letters from W. James Antle III and Todd Andrew Barnett:

Attention Libertarian Writers
An Invitation from L. Neil Smith
Is there a blacklist in New York and Hollywood against libertarian writers? I address this question to all of my valued colleagues, published libertarian writers, as well as those who haven't been able to find a publisher for works that are perfectly publishable. You all know who you are. Nor do I ask rhetorically. I'm inviting you to reply any way you wish. I want this question answered, so we can do something about it.

The Tractor You've Probably Not Heard About
by Keith S. Shugarts
There is a man in Washington, DC who has closed down Constitution - and I am not talking about King George - and you may not have even heard of him.

Wartime Principles
by William Stone, III
On Thursday, the morning after President Bush abused his powers with an Unconstitutional use of military force, my home-town newspaper the Sioux City Journal wrote:

Why It's Wrong
by Bob Tipton
The long-awaited announcement this evening that the President is going to prematurely end the lives of several thousand unique human beings has put me into a deep funk. Thankfully, I gave up on watching the news ages ago, so I won't be subjected again to a seemingly endless stream of camera-in-the-nose-of-the-bomb video clips. If it's technologically sophisticated, it must be morally sophisticated, right?

Free Speech Has A Price!
by Manuel Miles
Every time the Anglo-American Empire decides to attack some impoverished, militarily weak nation, the same old fascists come goose-stepping out of the woodwork with the same old worm-eaten excuses for the suppression of dissenting (antiwar) views; to wit: "You only enjoy the freedom to disagree with the guvvermint because better men than you died to protect that freedom. You ought to support the [current] war and/or shut up!"

Why This War?
by William Westmiller
President Bush put the arguments in the best and most forceful way in his ultimatum to Saddam Hussein. But, was it true?

Let's Bring The Troops Home
by Todd Andrew Barnett
I'm going to be very blunt: I don't support our troops. Indeed, I am aware of the fact that my statement comes across as being cold and callous, but considering that the United States has just launched its war with Iraq, I don't support sending our troops into harm's way. As a matter of fact it sickens me when I hear liberal and conservative collectivists - including the American people - urging everyone to "support the troops" when it is nothing but a calculated attempt to foster their own brands of collectivism upon those who dissent from that popular view.

Iraq War May Kill Feminism As We Know It
by Wendy McElroy
Social transformation at home always accompanies war abroad, and its effects are felt for decades after the military conflict is over. The death of feminism as we know it may be a domestic consequence of war with Iraq.

Government Schools: There's No Success Like Failure
by Anthony Gregory
That government schools are terrible is largely accepted. Finishing up my last year of college, I believe I have a valuable perspective, with memories of Kindergarten through high school fresh in my mind - memories of government school at its most recent in history, and therefore, most tyrannical and unsettling.

Local Gummint? What Was It For, Again?
by Christopher Biggs
I live in Brisbane, state capital of of Queensland, halfway up the right-hand side of Australia. Imagine a miniature Los Angeles of around 2 million people: sprawling low-density living, long commutes on crowded freeways, lousy public transport, and crazy, crazy government.

Random Observations
by James J Odle
A Well-Kept Secret! "Hey, buddy. Over here." [Voice drops to the level of a whisper.] "Kuwait was slant-drilling for oil into Iraqi oilfields." "Err.. I didn't quite catch that," said Buddy.

A Day in the Life of a Building Inspector
by Jeff Colonnesi
'Hmmm, nice weekend,' Mr. Smith thought to himself. 'Warm, but not hot, no likelihood of rain. Perfect for working on the house or in the yard. I'll have to remember to stop and pick up the rosebushes my wife was asking for and plant them tomorrow. But first I have to make the rounds through the neighborhoods.' It never failed to surprise him how many people tried to circumvent building codes on the weekends when they thought no one would notice.

Republicans Should be Seen and Not Heard
by Douglas F. Newman
Let us forget for a moment about Iraq. The Bush Administration has a domestic agenda, too.

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