L. Neil Smith's THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 223, May 11, 2003 HI, MOM! LibBytes/LibBits
FROM MANUEL MILES No violence, pleasewe're Canadians, eh! If it must snow in May (we have a foot of it so far this month), at least we Canadians get to have some great laughs, courtesy of our all-knowing Government. An advance party of Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan is walking the streets of the capital unarmed because the government has not yet signed a routine agreement under which NATO peacekeeping troops are allowed to carry weapons. GUN BANNERS LOVE THE BUSH May 9 Neal Knox UpdateIncredibly, yesterday Bush Press Secretary Ari Fleischer confirmed that the President endorses reenactment of the so-called "assault weapon" and over-10-shot magazine ban. The cheering you hear comes only from the people who have done and will do everything they can to prevent the George W. Bush from being Presidentpeople like Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Charles Schumer. See also [contains a brief comment by keepandbeararms.com's Angel Shamaya] GUN FEARS [sic ed.] CANCEL MTV PARTY
"When you do something in London, Birmingham or Manchester you tend to attract problems because they have gun crime ..."
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