Number 230, July 6, 2003
Exclusive to TLE
"It would be remiss of me not to wish everyone I regularly
communicate with as happy an Independence Day as they can have. However
as I observed in one of my earliest bookswhat the hell is there left
to celebrate?"
L. Neil Smith, 2003, in Correspondence
As eternally optimistic as my friend and comrade-in-arms L. Neil Smith is,
I was rather surprised to see him communicate this thought in the
discussion forum of the Ad-Hoc Conspiracy to Draft L. Neil Smith For
President (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/smith2004-discuss).
At first pass, Mr. Smith's question seems to be a no-brainer. Indeed, for
lovers of individual freedom in this country, things would seem to be
- The Federal Constitution has all but been declared null and void by
all three branches of government. House Speaker Hastert declared it
"irrelevant" in 2002; Supreme Court Justice Scalia announced that the
Constitution only enumerated "minimums" and that we can expect accordingly
dramatic decreases in our freedom; and President Bush violates the
Constitution on a daily basis.
- The party now in power (the Right Wing of the Boot-On-Your-Neck
[BOYN] Party) has almost completely usurped the agenda of the Left Wing
BOYNs. Surprisingly, they do this with the full support and aid of those
in their own Party who, only a few short years ago, decried this agenda
when the Left-Wingers advanced it.
- The only Party in existence that actually represents the ideals of
the Constitutionthe Libertarian Partycontinues to slide down the
slippery slope of philosophical decadence. Every year, small bits of
philosophy are given up in the interest of becoming more marketable. Some
day, the Party will eject the Pledge altogether, at which point they'll be
nothing more than Republican wannabes.
- Most disturbingly, American culture continues to trend away from
individual liberty toward socialism. It has now been almost two
generations since the term, "Don't make a Federal case out of it," had any
meaning, nor does there appear to be any chance that this trend will
reverse any time soon.
That's how things appear on the surface. If one digs more deeply, there
are some surprisingly positive developments beneath each of these seemingly
negative trends.
- The Federal Constitution was a valiant attempt to limit government.
It was doomed to failure from the start for the simple reason that
government cannot be limited. Having "a little government" is exactly the
same as being "a little pregnant," and with exactly the same eventual
Lovers of freedom NEED the Constitution to be abolished. We should
be grateful that all three branches of government now agree that it is
irrelevant. The Constitution defines the Federal Government: without the
Constitution, there is no Federal Government.
- The Right-Wing BOYNs' descent into abject socialism is a wonderful
thing. It proves what freedom-lovers have said for more than a
generation: that there is no discernible difference between the two.
Since the Right-Wing BOYNs have taken up the Left-Wing BOYNs' agenda,
I have had more e-mails and correspondence from former Republicans seeking
another alternative than I had in the preceding five years. People used
to criticize me, saying, "Once the Republicans are in power, then there'll
be some changes." Now the Republicans are in power, and the only change
is that they've shown their true Socialist colors.
We NEED the Right-Wing BOYNs to act like the disgusting little
Socialists they are down in their souls. They're driving more
freedom-lovers into our waiting arms every day.
- The Libertarian Party's philosophical demise, while tragic, was
utterly predictable. Indeed, no political partyhowever
well-intentionedcan be counted upon to live up to their principles
once they are in power.
A couple of years ago, I wrote what I believe is the absolute final
word on this phenomenon: "The Free Mind",
available in my on-line essay collection, Tales From SYL Ranch.
It was far too lengthy to recount here, but suffice to say that Lord Acton's
famous quote is entirely accurate:
"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
We NEED the Libertarian Party to betray its own principles. Lovers
of freedom need people to understandvia concrete eventsthat no
person can be trusted with the awesome power that a central government can
- The trend toward socialism in American culture is only disturbing if
you listen to polls and don't do some fairly simple math.
In my essay, "The Fall Of the Republic",
I point out that only one-eighth of the American population actually approves
of government. One half of registered votes actually vote; one half of the
eligible population registers; one half of the total population is eligible.
One-half of one-half of one-half equals one-eighth.
Everyone else does not approve of government. They're collectively
"exercising their pedal franchise," by not participating at all.
The BOYNs decry this. They try and make it sound like this
represents a tragedy. In point fact, it frightens the hell out of them.
They have no way of knowing what an overwhelming majority of the
population might decide to do to them.
For freedom-lovers, this is a wonderful thing. We need as little
voter participation as possible. The sooner no one is paying attention to
government flunkies and their sycophants, the sooner they'll become
irrelevant in our lives.
The only way the present situation appears to be poor is if you look at it
in the near term. In any revolution (and this is a revolution, whether
there's shooting involved or not), there is pain. In short order,
however, the masses of government parasites who subsist by inserting a
straw into their victims' throats will open their eyes to discover that
their would-be victims have simply walked away.
There is a revolution in progress. However, thanks to technological
advancement (particularly the Internet), as well as the complete
corruption of government at all levels, this revolution need not be
bloody. Much of the problem will be self-correcting without a shot being
American governmentsparticularly the Federal Governmentare on
their way to the same fate as the dinosaurs. This Fourth of July, I
invite you to celebrate with me as I commemorate our coming emancipation
from Government: our TRUE Independence Day.
Freedom, Immortality, and the Stars!
William Stone, III is a computer nerd (RHCE, CCNP, CISSP) and Executive
Director of the Zero Aggression Institute (http://www.0ap.org). He seeks the
Libertarian Party's nomination for the 2004 Senate race in South Dakota.
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