Dan Weiner Medical Fund Report

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
The Libertarian Enterprise Simon Jester
Simon Jester

Proud member of The Ad-hoc Conspiracy to nominate L. Neil Smith for President

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"An Army of One a Day" by Ted Rall

(Thanks to Marc Brands Liberty for pointing us to this.)

Number 233, August 10, 2003



To all:

It is my very sad responsibility to inform you all that Dan Weiner has been diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer which has already spread to his liver and his brain. He is now home with us, and anyone who would like to come and visit with him is most welcome. Please let me know if you would be interested, and we'll schedule a time.

Dan will be staying here with Marti and myself until he dies. I'll try to keep everyone posted as to what is happening with him.


Harlan Howe-Bennett
[email protected]

Dan Weiner Medical Defense Fund

Please help in the fundraising effort by donating to the "Dan Weiner Medical Defense Fund". (Note: we'd like to have some funds in there by August 11th when Alan meets with Dan, after which another account will be set up in Dan's name after Alan gets all the banking info and etc.) (Note also that Alan R. Weiss, who is spearheading this fundraising effort for Dan, is not only a friend and well known in libertarian circles, but has recently been chosen by the Free State Project to do its ballot certification at no cost. Alan has raised money for other projects, and wants to help Dan fight. His credentials as both a libertarian, a businessman, and fundraiser are impeccable, and I am so pleased he's agreed to help with this effort for Dan. All funds raised will go directly to Dan or his designee. All funds transferred in will be audited by a CPA and available for anyone who donates to see).

You can donate in the following manner:

PayPal: Go to http://www.paypal.com and send money to:
[email protected]
MAKE SURE you state that it is for Dan Weiner!
Or enter an amount and click on the PayPal Payments button:

Dollar Amount

e-Gold: Go to http://www.e-gold.com
Account: 917955
Or click on this donate button:

Enter Amount and select a Currency:

e-gold is the hardest, most liquid cash since, ... well ... GOLD! ... if you don't already know about it, find out more and get yourself a free account at e-gold.com

"Okay!", I hear you saying, "How to I fund that e-gold account?"
Also easy, you can use a credit card, electronic funds transfer, or plain-old paper check once you set-up an account with one of these guys:
Gold Age
You can fund or redeem the value in your e-gold account or pay your bills via e-gold.

Checks/Money Orders: Send directly to ECL (Alan's company) payable to Dan Weiner
Mail to:
       ECL, LLC
       Att: Dan Weiner Fund
       6507 Jester Blvd
       Suite 511
       Austin, Texas 78726

FOR MORE INFORMATION: read "Let's help Dan Weiner fight for his life", by Mary Lou Seymour, posted on Rational Review August 5, 2003.

Dan Weiner Medical Fund Report
by Alan R. Weiss
As we say in Texas, all y'all are real generous!

Letters to the Editor
Letters from Russell D. Longcore, Joel C Simon, and John P. Slevin.

A Culture of Freedom
by David C. Kopp
I hear a whole lot of people complaining these days. So what, you say? People complain about everything, from home to work to social life, it's nothing new. Been going on since the dawn of time. So what's the problem? Well, it's not the complaining that bothers me, per se. No, what bothers me, what truly burns my posterior, is the people who are doing the complaining.

Repeal—Not Reform—Head Start
by Todd Andrew Barnett
Isn't everyone—from the National Head Start Association to the National Organization for Women—out of their minds for urging all Americans to "save" and "reform" the federal government's Head Start program (founded in 1965), which is a federally and state-subsidized extension of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's Administration of Children and Families Division?

Hyperinflation Before Inflation?
by John Hoffman
Just in case you haven't been following the financial news, on June 25th the Federal Reserve fought against our declining economy by lowering the overnight interest rate for banks to 1%, a level we haven't seen for 45 years. This will have the effect of pumping huge amounts of cash into the economy.

The Marriage Quagmire
by Wendy McElroy
The issue of gay marriages is exploding on the federal and state levels with some politicians calling for a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as "between a man and a woman." These politicians are correct about one thing: the institution of marriage is in jeopardy. The politicians themselves constitute a threat.

Mountain of Lies
by William Stone, III
As one might conclude from two weeks of utter silence from me, my family has been on a much-needed vacation.

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