Editorial Notes
Y'all continue to flood the palatial offices of TLE with all
kinds of excellent articles, for which I, on behaf of our vast and
hard-working staff, say: THANK YOU!.
Alas, what with this and that, not to mention lack of time to
get them all ready for publication (I was actually lieing
about the staff, it's just me and Pat here), many of those fine
articles are not here in this here issue at this time. They will,
of course, be here some other time. Maybe even next time!
And to all you fans complaining about the lack of articles
by Our Publisher, Mr. L. Neil Smith, here are TWO articles. More
to come? Up to him.
No article from Bill Stone this time, though. He's had a
computer crash. Almost no TLE this time, since I had a computer
crash myself. Fortunately I had a cardboard box full of various
donated and hand-me-down parts, from which I managed to cobble
together a "new" computer upon which I'm writing this right now.
It was a close call, though!
Ken Holder
The Acting Mr. Ed.
Letters to Mr. Ed
by Our Readers
Letters from Drew Williams, Scott Bieser,
Glenn Patton, Manuel Miles (aka Kapt Kanada), and Tamerlane The Terrible:
My Political Plans
by L. Neil Smith
I'll say it up front: I will no longer be available to anybody as
a candidate for any political office. If you're interested in my
reasons, by all means, read on -- I may hand you a surprise or two
along the way. If not, you can stop here, and go do something you'd
rather do.
No More @#$%^&*! Ping-Pong
by L. Neil Smith
Having withdrawn as a potential candidate for the Libertarian
Party presidential nomination (or any other nomination, for that
matter), the next logical step is to tell the world -- as much of it
as I can reach -- who I think is the best remaining would-be nominee.
Alan R. Weiss Endorses Michael Badnarik for President
by Alan R. Weiss
Now that the best possible selection has decided to forgo the torture
of a political campaign to focus on spreading liberty the best way he
knows how to (L. Neil Smith, otherwise known as Alexander Hope to
those who have read "Hope"), I would like to take this opportunity to
endorse someone I believe has a vision for the united States of
America worth supporting: Michael Badnarik of Austin, Texas for the
Libertarian Party Candidate for President.
Where do we go from here?
by Thomas L. Knapp
It cannot have escaped your notice that L. Neil Smith has now
formally withdrawn his offer to accept the Libertarian Party's
presidential nomination, should we procure it for him.
Free State Decision Remorse
Lehr Duquesne
Who me? A sore loser?
Shucks, I always try to be a good sport. I wanted to be
wealthier and better looking than this, but I got what I got. So
be it. I wanted to be working and living on the Moon by now, but
was betrayed, I felt, by a nation and a government that lacked
vision and courage. I wanted to live in a free country but was
born in the United States instead, which is merely the next best
thing. I wanted to move myself and my family and coax my friends
to a Free State sometime in the next few years and... Well, we'll see.
Collective Western Guilt Burdens Today's Children
by Wendy McElroy
Some 650 Kenyan women claim to have been raped by
British soldiers over a period of decades and they want a multi-million
dollar settlement from the British Ministry of Defense. Are they victims
who richly deserve justice? Or are skeptics correct in labeling
their case "the Kenya rape shakedown"?
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links even if you don't buy anything ... some of them will pay us for that!
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