L. Neil Smith's
Number 246, November 9, 2003

Wrong Way, Right Way

[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. To ensure their acceptance, please try to keep them under 500 words. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear.]

Letter from David Codrea via Michael McKibbin

Letter from Scott Bieser

Letter from Lehr Duquesne

Silveira smeared—please help correct the record

Dave Kopel attacked the Silveira lawsuit, its attorney and its backers in a recent National Review Online two-part op-ed. The article received widespread attention within the gun community.

Roy Lucas, whose scholarship is responsible for the Silveira cert petition and much original Second Amendment legal research, has written a thorough rebuttal to Kopel s attack piece. This article appears at: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/Silveira/kopel.asp

Note that NRO s editor promised to publish this rebuttal several times. After delaying and allowing the Kopel piece to thoroughly permeate the gun rights community, they reneged on their promise. You can read about that here: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/Silveira/NRO.asp

All indications are that the Supreme Court is likely to hear the Silveira case. Rather than dismissing it, they ordered the California Attorney General to prepare a response which they would not have done had they simply intended to ignore it. If they do, this will be the first true Second Amendment case to be heard by the high court since Miller, where much of the judicial damage to our right to keep and bear arms was initially done.

As NRO doesn't have the journalistic integrity to correct the record on this potentially historic and important case, concerned activists who support Silveira should forward the links to Mr. Lucas rebuttal far and wide, and encourage other websites to link to both articles. Much legal work still needs to be done, and Kopel s 11th-hour bus bomb could severely impact the grassroots fundraising effort.

Please help us correct the record NRO refuses to.

Thank you,

David Codrea 16 Oct 2003 [email protected]


[Note from the editor:]

Roy Lucas, 61, Legal Theorist Who Helped Shape Roe Suit, Dies
By Ian Urbina

Published: November 7, 2003
New York Times

Roy Lucas, a lawyer who helped fashion the "right to privacy" legal argument used in Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in the United States, died on Monday in Prague. He was 61 and lived in Washington.

The cause was a heart attack, said his sister, Mary E. Lucas. She said her brother was in the Czech Republic doing research.

READ MORE: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/07/n...07LUCA.html

A Drug War Carol, the graphic novella I produced with Susan Wells, is now available in print from: Amazon.com. As well as Liberty BookShop and Rennaisance Books (via abebooks.com).The 80-page square-bound book has 64 full color pages of story art, plus 14 pages of supporting notes and bibliography, for the research-minded. Price is $5.95 plus shipping.

I'd greatly appreciate it if some people ... could not only buy a few copies, but write a review or two for the Amazon listing.

Scott Bieser
proprietor, LibertyArtworx.com
Professional Graphics and Personal Opinions
Buy stuff with my art on it!

I'm afraid I just don't understand CBS. I mean, they pulled the plug on "The Reagans" because it's "full of lies", but they continue to broadcast Dan Rather. Am I missing something?

Lehr Duquesne
[email protected]

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