Robert A. Heinlein 15 Years Later

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Posted on Marc Brands Liberty

Number 248, November 23, 2003

The Elvis of Science Fiction

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A Drug War Carol
A Drug War Carol

Letters to the Editor
by Our Readers
Letters from Scott Bieser, Lehr Duquesne, Alan R. Weiss, and Dennis Kabaczy.

The Murder of a President;
and the death of a constitution.

by Patrick K Martin
As we approach the anniversary of the assassination of John F Kennedy, and subsequently suffer the deluge of documentaries and retrospectives which always accompany such a date. I am struck, not so much by the facts of the crime in question, but rather the public response to it and the subsequent cover-up. Now, for myself, I don�t remember that day in Dallas, mostly because I wasn�t alive at the time (having been born almost three years later), but like all Americans of my generation and later, I have spent a lifetime seeing it in film, reading about it in books, and hearing the endless stories that old people (well, old-er people anyway) tell of "The Day Kennedy was Shot".

Homosexual Marriage
by Jim Duensing
Homosexuals have been lobbying state and federal governments - not to mention bigoted members of the public - in an effort to have lifelong unions between two homosexual partners granted the same legal status as those unions between two lifelong heterosexual partners.

Government Run Amok (In little bitty pieces)
by Charles Stone, Jr.
Those of the libertarian bent are often accused by statists of overreacting to the predations of government. "We are the government," they say, "our elected officials are only doing the things we elected them to do, so what's the problem?"

Robert A. Heinlein 15 Years Later
by Ron Beatty
Fifteen years ago, America and the world lost one of the greatest philosophers, writers, and patriots of the Twentieth Century. Born in 1907, Robert A. Heinlein planned to make the Navy his career, but ill-health changed his plans. Medically discharged, considered totally disabled, and with no way of earning a living, in the middle of the Great Depression, Heinlein tried many things. Finally, he decided to write a story. That story, and the many that followed, changed this country and the world forever.

Fathers Protest Unjust Custody Laws
by Wendy McElroy
Last month, Spider-Man was arrested in London after spending five days atop a cloud-kissing crane next to the historic Tower Bridge. In donning the costume of his daughter's favorite cartoon character, 36-year-old David Chick tried to draw attention to the misery of estranged fathers who have been denied access to their children by a family court system he believes is anti-male.

A Drug War Carol
A Drug War Carol

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