TLE Interviews Aaron Russo Part Two
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Golly! Last issue I mentioned that the in-box was getting a bit thin,
so why don't y'all write some articles. Dang me if y'all didn't up
and do just that! I have a sort-of informal limit of a maximum of
10 articles per issue (just a rule of thumb, not set in stone or
nothing like that), and I could easily have gone to 15 articles
this time ... look for those article to show up next issue. But
don't y'all stop, now, I'm not complaining!
We welcome a new staffer here at the palatial TLE skyscraper, located
on the ... sorry I'm laughing too hard to go on. Mr. Frank Ney is now
our new "Travel Gestapo Editor". The reasons for his appointment are
to be found in his article "Banned from flying". Welcome, Frank! If
you don't like that title, suggest another....
Ken Holder
TLE Interviews Aaron Russo Part Two
Banned From Flying
The Blessings of Liberty
How One Man Changed My World
The Brown Peril
Libertarian Women, Men & Children
Why Johnny Can't Get A Job
SCOTUS Amongst Us
What Ever Happened to TV?
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"The Bill of Denied Rights"
by Tom Toles
Number 261, February 29, 2004
Leaping Lizards!
Your Mr. Ed
Letters to the Editor
L. Neil Smith, Curtis Handsaker, Cyclone Ranger,
Fred Cummins and Dennis Kabaczy:
by L. Neil Smith
I recently interviewed celebrated movie maker and candidate for
the Libertarian Party's 2004 Presidntial nomination Aaron Russo by
telephone, only to discover that my elderly cassette tape recorder had
problems. This is the second part of that interview, and I reiterate
that words and phrases in brackets represent my best guess, and any
inaccuracies as a result are my fault and mine alone.
by Frank Ney
Folks who are so inclined may wish to see if they can still get
airline tickets. In checking my options this weekend for a convention
next month, I've discovered some fed has put me on the CAAPS bad-boy
list. Since they won't tell me when I was added I have no idea
exactly which event precipitated this retaliation.
by Lex Concord
The Constitution established what was supposed to be a fairly limited
government, one powerful enough to secure individual liberty, but not
so powerful that the government itself would become a significant
threat to that liberty. In the two centuries since its adoption, the
government has grown well beyond those constitutionally defined
limits. Libertarians have reacted with alarm to this development,
but perhaps we have not fully considered all the benefits we receive
from a powerful central government. In fact, I came up with a list
of the top ten benefits to having a central government that is much
more powerful than the Constitution allows:
by Tracy Schrader
How does a good little Catholic girl, sheltered all her life, raised
to believe in the tooth fairy, and that government is really here to
help us, go to raging libertarian, gun owner, and anti-government
witch? (Literally. Raised Catholic, now Wiccan)
by Jack Boone
We all, in the long journey to libertarianism, learn some lessons
quickly and some slowly. This one issue, mexican "illegal" immigration, is an easy one
for me. My father taught me the answers, and I'm now 64.
by Terry Liberty Parker
To become CONSISTENTLY "libertarian" PERSONS (entities
with rights & obligations) and CONSISTENTLY libertarian "free
moral agents" most humans must, to some extent, transcend part of
their biological heritage:
by William Stone, III
I'm a smart guy. I know it, and I'm not ashamed of it. Being smart
doesn't make me better than someone who isn't and it doesn't mean I don't
occasionally do stupid things. I'm not the smartest guy in the world by
any means I used to be a member of a Linux users' group that included
people that held multiple doctorates in nuclear physics and split atoms
for a living. I can't hold a candle to people like that, but the simple
fact of the matter is that I am more intelligent than something like 90%
of the people in the world.
by Alan R. Weiss
In reference to Groh v. Ramirez, 02-811:
Well, well, well. The infamous 9th Circuit Court of Appeals finally
got one right, and the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS,
sort of sounds like scrotum) in a NARROW vote (5-4) upheld the
Constitution, specifically the 4th Amendment.
by L. Neil Smith
I am exactly the same age as broadcast commercial television. So
when I say I've seen it all, that's almost literally true. I've been
watching TV from the days when you were stuck with whatever was on the
one channel most people could get wherever they lived, to a time when
you could choose from 500 channels and there still wasn't anything to watch.
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